Sunday, January 3, 2010

[ news] January 3, 2010 - Newslinks (HTML)

January 3, 2010 - Newslinks

Pakistan: Roadside bomb kills former Pakistan minister Ghani-ur-Rehman

Pakistan: Taliban attack on match a warning to tribes?

Pakistan: US drone attack kills two in North Waziristan

Afghanistan: 18 militants killed in Afghanistan

Afghanistan: Taliban must join security forces, says Brit general
-- Positions must be open to ex-Taliban, says British Major-General Richard Barrons
-- The Age: "The British general in charge of a new NATO unit seeking to reintegrate former insurgents has said he expects to see Taliban commanders take senior positions within Afghan President Hamid Karzai's Government."
-- "Major-General Richard Barrons said Taliban fighters who reconciled with the Afghan Government must be allowed to join the police or army, despite concerns that militants might use it as an opportunity to infiltrate the security services."

Afghanistan: Another London Times Report with a Taliban-Sympathetic Title: "Taliban bomber wrecks CIA's shadowy war"

Afghanistan: UK MoD 'institutionally incapable' of succeeding in Afghanistan
-- Maj-Gen Mackay, led the Helmand task force in 2008, said the MoD had failed to adapt to 21st century wars.

(U.S.) Continuing Reports on Abdulmutallab Foiled Terror Plot

January 3 Abdulmutallab Reports

-- UK: MI5 knew of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's UK extremist links - did not share with U.S.
--- London Times: "The security services knew three years ago that the Detroit bomber had 'multiple communications' with Islamic extremists in Britain, it emerged this weekend."
--- "Counterterrorism officials said Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was 'reaching out' to extremists whom MI5 had under surveillance while he was studying at University College London."
--- "None of the information was passed to American officials, which will prompt questions about intelligence failures prior to the attack."

-- Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab had links with London campaign group
--- London Times: "The suspect in the attempted Detroit plane bomb had links with a London campaign group that has championed Anwar al-Awlaki, the al-Qaeda cleric."
--- "Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab invited two speakers from Cageprisoners to an event that he organised as president of the Islamic Society at University College London (UCL). The organisation, which campaigns on behalf of Muslim prisoners, including convicted terrorists, developed close ties to al-Awlaki after his release from detention in Yemen in 2007."
--- "The American-born cleric, who counselled two of the 9/11 hijackers, was invited to address Cageprisoners’ Ramadan fundraising dinners in 2008 and 2009 and there is extensive material about and by him on its website. Mr Abdulmutallab, 23, who is charged with trying to detonate a bomb on a Northwest Airlines flight landing in Detroit on Christmas Day, told the FBI that he met al-Awlaki in Yemen before his terrorist mission."
--- "US counter-terrorism authorities believe that Mr Abdulmutallab began his radicalisation in Britain, where he was a mechanical engineering undergraduate in 2005-08. The British arm of the investigation is focused on who Mr Abdulmutallab met and had contact with at that time and his connection to Cageprisoners is understood to be part of the intelligence picture."

-- U.S. terrorism czar: Christmas Day plot 'not like 9/11'

-- Newsweek: "The Radicalization of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab"

Yemen: Despite Al Qaeda Threat, U.S. Not Planning to Expand Terror Fight in Yemen

Yemen: 'Orchard of fighters' grows out of poverty and mistrust in Yemen
-- report ignores that the ideological basis for jihadists inspires Jihadists like UK-radicalized Abdulmutallab

Yemen: Obama aide says al Qaeda may plan Yemen attack

Yemen: The new Al-Qaeda chiefs bringing terror to the world

U.S., Britain close embassies in Yemen - due to security concerns, threats against American interests
-- CNN report
-- BBC report
-- London Times report
-- AP reports:,2933,581803,00.html

(U.S.) CQ Transcript: Terrorism Preparedness on ABC's 'This Week'

UK: "Crack SAS team to hunt al-Qaeda terrorists"

UK: Airline passengers face body scanners and double searches

Lebanon: Foreign parties 'exporting' extremists to camps: Fatah

Iran 'standing in its own way' on nuclear deal: US

Iran: Footage reveals alleged Iranian method of procuring arms
CIA reveals video of man trying to buy parts for F-4 jets and radars from CIA agents posing as European arms dealers during meeting at Tbilisi hotel.

Somali Islamists lose battle for key town

Other News:

Iran soccer chief apologizes for Israel greeting


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