Friday, April 16, 2010

04-16-10: The Tea Party, Civil Rights and Racism

04-16-10: The Tea Party, Civil Rights and Racism

April 16 th

Thomas Sowell: Race and Politics: Parts II & III. Big - regulating the Internet, ‘one way or another.' U.S. downplays extremism in foreign outreach. Mort Zuckerman - 5 ways to keep America great. Chuck Norris: Tyranny of excessive taxation ignited the first Boston Tea Party.

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Exclusive: Insects in the Dust

G. Murphy Donovan

As American feminists continue to whine about their perceived plight, millions of women in the Middle East - "insects in the dust" - endure daily degradation and violence as second class citizens.

Read this article then share your thoughs - click here

The Tea Party, Civil Rights and Racism

Diana C. Cotter

The tea partiers are not waiting around for a government handout, and this seems to be their real crime against the left. Skin color has nothing to do with it.

Exclusive: Two for the Price of One

Marilyn Penn

I have just finished serving jury duty at New York State Supreme Court and observed an excellent new opportunity for fulfilling the needs of one group with the usefulness of another.

What Drives Islam to be the Religion of War?

Daniel Greenfield

Why is Islam constantly a source of war, violence and discord? The answer may surprise you.

Iran's Nukes: An International Security Priority

Dr. Walid Phares

Beyond the obvious, what should have been the prime focus of this week's nuclear security summit?

Denying Reality Brings Us Closer to Nuclear Midnight

Frank Salvato

If the 'commitments' made at the Washington nuclear disarmament summit are to be 'non-binding,' has the world been made less vulnerable to a dreaded Armageddon?


Video: U.S. Textbooks: 'Muslims Discovered America.'
Video: Poles light candles for Kaczynski
Video: Officers crack down in Arizona human smuggling probe
Video: Rising foreclosures hit home
Taking Guns Away from Our Troops
"They fought like tigers!" - Remembering Cuban heroes from the Bay of Pigs.
Who is Dalia Mogahed?
As Border Security Deteriorates, Arizona Continues Its Push to Control Illegal Immigration.
Amnesty poison pill: if legalized, these aliens would immediately qualify for health-insurance subsidies.
Why Israel's Struggle Is Our Struggle, Too.

Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood Founder has ‘Underwhelming' U.S. Tour

Steve Emerson

They waited six years for a chance to hear him in person on American soil. Now that they have, many are walking away frustrated from their encounters with the grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna.

From Andrews' Raiders to the Escadrille Americaine

Military History, W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

Military milestones from Andrews' Raiders to Escadrille Americaine.

Medal of Honor Citations

U.S. Army Sgt. Charles H. Coolidge - WWII

On July 1, 1945, Technical Sgt. Charles H. Coolidge was awarded our nation's highest decoration for gallantry in combat - the Medal of Honor.

We choose, you peruse.

  1. No time behind bars for Imam in NYC subway-plot
  2. AG Holder: Miranda Warnings for Terrorists Won't Harm Interrogations
  3. Court Rules National Day of Prayer Unconstitutional
  4. US Senate climate bill to be unveiled April 26
  5. Congress Approves $18 Billion Extension of Jobless Benefits
  6. Poll: Americans Say They Should Pay No More Than 20 Percent in Taxes
  7. Mideast Tensions Rise over New Missile Claims
  8. Supreme Court wants more money for security concerns
  9. Former NSA executive charged with leaking information to newspaper reporter
  10. Gates Approves Tighter Gun Restrictions After Ft. Hood Shooting
  11. Immigrant groups try to steal thunder from tea party
  12. Miami-Dade Transit bows to Sharia, pulls religious liberty bus ads as "offensive to Islam"
  13. Lieberman warns he'll issue subpoenas over Ft. Hood shootings
  14. White NBC Reporter Confronts Black Man at Tea Party Rally: 'Have You Ever Felt Uncomfortable?'
  15. Jobless Claims Rise Unexpectedly (Easter Blamed)
  16. After More Than A Year, CBS 'Early Show' Does First Full Story on Tea Parties
  17. Putin wins again (RALPH PETERS)
  18. Endless War » (JAMIE GLAZOV)
  19. Get the hell out of here: 9/11 trial positively cannot be in New York (NYDAILYNEWS EDITORIAL)
  20. Few Pulitzers On the Right Side (DIANA WEST)

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