Monday, April 19, 2010

04-19-10: Christians are killed by the hundreds for no reason other than they are Christian

April 19 th

Press airs grievances to Gibbs. Sec. of State Clinton: ‘We have a lot to learn about energy policy from other nations.' President argues for tougher financial regulations. Arms control without deterrence. Jennifer Rubin: Green movement is a ‘work in progress.'

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Exclusive: Taking the War to Moscow

John Miller

The second part of this series examines the Moscow bombings earlier this year against the backdrop of Russian, as opposed to Soviet, history.

Read this great article then share your comments - click here

Exclusive: Iran's Reasons for Wanting the Bomb Affects Sanctions

William R. Hawkins

The real power of sanctions is to cripple the ability of an adversary to carry out its hostile programs. To be successful, they cannot be mere pinpricks.

Exclusive: No Big Deal, Just Some People in Africa, Right?

Gadi Adelman

Christians are killed by the hundreds for no reason other than they are Christian. Where is the world outcry and at what point will someone we know be next?

Exclusive: Beware Greeks Bearing Debts

Chet Nagle

Our government now spends $1.49 for every dollar it brings in. Our national debt is growing, just like Greece, and is now vastly greater than our GDP. Where will this take us?

But wait a minute! We are not like Greece and those other socialist and bankrupt European countries, are we? We already owe creditors like China over three times the value of everything we can make and every service we can provide in an entire year. Three times! And our debt is growing so rapidly that soon we will be unable to pay the interest on it. *** click here to comment on this article

Fort Hood Cover Up Denied by Secretary Gates

Jim Kouri, CPP

Is the administration withholding requested information about the Ft. Hood massacre from the so-called Gang of Eight?

Exclusive: Founder of Islamberg Irate over News Reports; Blames ‘Jewish Conspiracy'

Paul Williams, PhD

Sheikh Mubarik Gilani claims that he and the residents of his compounds are victims of "false accusations and horrendous lies."

William Ayers' Wyoming Debacle Highlights Leftist Weaknesses

Christopher Adamo

Ultimately, the dangers to society posed by the American left are only as potent as the mainstream of society allows them to be.


Video: Mexican drug cartels overrunning American cities.
Video: Sen. Scott Brown on CBS 'Face The Nation' with Bob Shieffer, Apr. 18.
Video: Tea Party member to 'white supremacist' infiltrator: "You're not one of us. You don't belong here."
Video: Mark Williams rips Geraldo for 'mischaracterization' on Geraldo's own show.
Video: Justice Clarence Thomas: 'You don't have to be born in the U.S. to be on the SCOTUS.'
Marine Corporal Makes History. What courage! What sheer grit!
Radical Awakening: From America Hater to Hero.
Video: Iceland volcano eruption proves that man is NOT in control of the forces of nature.
Video: African-American Tea Partier in SC: "It's not about race. It's about our liberty!"
Video: Shariah-Compliant Finance. (Could this trend destabilize Western economies?)

The EPA Monster

Alan Caruba

The Environmental Protection Agency needs to be reduced in size and authority to its original intent, or eliminated.

Exclusive: Why Do Departments of State and Labor Issue H1B Visas for Foreigners, Killing America's Teaching Jobs?

Michael Cutler

It's clear there is no shortage of Americans with high-tech skills, only a shortage of politicians who have integrity and are actually willing to represent their constituents.

Two Views in Conflict

Star Parker

The same politicians who spend our money, who use us to guarantee their trillion dollar social engineering schemes, claim they are going to protect us? Give me a break.

Exclusive: School's Out for Friday!

Satire by Shawn Goodwin

Kids, are you tired of the brutally-long and overly-boring five day school week? Parents, would you like your little crumb crunchers to enjoy a three-day weekend for nine months of the year?

Oh my ..... read and then comment here!

Dalia Mogahed: The Islamists' White House Pipeline

Steve Emerson

This "influential" woman works behind the scenes with radical Islamist groups to enhance their standing in the presidential council's activities.

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Ahmadinejad boasts of Iran's military might
  2. Poll: Trust in Big Government Near Historic Low
  3. State Funeral Held for Poland's First Couple
  4. Muslim and Arab-American Advocates Have Participated In Policy Discussions and Received Briefings From Top White House Aides
  5. Taliban say buildup under way
  6. 8 banks close in Calif., Fla., Mass., Mich., Wash.
  7. Taliban's supreme leader signals willingness to talk peace
  8. Press airs grievances to Gibbs
  9. Imam Ahmad Afzali Linked To Najibullah Zazi NYC Subway Plot Dodges Jail Time, But Must Leave Country
  10. Revealed: Iraq Terrorists' Deadly New Tactic
  11. Gates Says U.S. Lacks a Policy to Thwart Iran
  12. Despite recent violence in Iraq, top general says trimming 45,000 troops remains on schedule
  13. U.S. military plans against Iran being updated
  14. Royal Navy To Rescue Stranded Britons
  15. Israel has a legal right and a moral obligation to keep Syrian arms out of Lebanon. (NRO)
  16. Military Commissions: The Right Venue for KSM (WSJ)
  17. Nursing Our Way Out of a Doctor Shortage (STEVE CHAPMAN)
  18. ‘If you tax them, they will leave' Chris Christie seeks to mend the broke and broken state of New Jersey. (WEEKLY STANDARD)
  19. Arizona Sets Strict New Immigration Policy (HUMAN EVENTS)
  20. The road to war (BENNY AVNI)

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