Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16, 2010 War on Women News - Responsible for Equality And Liberty

War on Women News:

Egyptian Sunni Cleric Denounces Women's Rights, Promotes Wife Beating -- Mazen Al-Sarsawi
-- also promotes hatred against Shiites

Turkey Detains Mother for Newborn's "Honor Killing"
-- Reuters: "The baby was suffocated by her grandmother after the family learned the 25-year-old mother became pregnant out of wedlock, Anatolian said."
-- "'My family decided to kill my baby,' the mother told the police, according to Anatolian. 'My 55-year-old mother choked the baby with a cloth. Then, my brothers buried the baby in a hole in the garden and covered the hole with cement.'"

Australia: Judge warns of honour killing cases

Congo: Sexual violence 'becoming normal' in Congo

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