Monday, April 19, 2010

Beware Greeks Bearing Debts - by Chet Nagle

Exclusive: Beware Greeks Bearing Debts

by Chet Nagle

Our government now spends $1.49 for every dollar it brings in. Our national debt is growing, just like

Greece, and is now vastly greater than our GDP. Where will this take us?

But wait a minute! We are not like Greece and those other socialist and bankrupt European countries, are we? We already owe creditors like China over three times the value of everything we can make and every service we can provide in an entire year. Three times! And our debt is growing so rapidly that soon we will be unable to pay the interest on it. *** click here to comment on this article
Click Here To Read Article Contributing editor Chet Nagle is a Naval Academy graduate and Cold War carrier pilot who flew in the Cuban Missile Crisis. After a stint as a navy research officer, he joined International Security Affairs as a Pentagon civilian – then came defense and intelligence work, life abroad for 12 years as an agent for the CIA, and extensive time in Iran, Oman, and many other countries. Along the way, he graduated from the Georgetown University Law School and was the founding publisher of a geo-political magazine, The Journal of Defense & Diplomacy, read in over 20 countries and with a circulation of 26,000. At the end of his work in the Middle East, he was awarded the Order of Oman in that allied nation’s victory over communist Yemen; now, he writes and consults. He and his wife Dorothy live in Virginia.

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