Thursday, April 15, 2010

Daniel Greenfield article: What Drives Islam to be the Religion of War

Daniel Greenfield article: What
Drives Islam to be the Religion of War

Link to Sultan Knish

What Drives Islam to be the Religion of War

Posted: 14 Apr 2010 08:20 PM PDT

"He it is who has sent His Messenger (Mohammed) with
guidance and the religion of truth (Islam) to make it victorious over
all religions even though the infidels may resist." Koran

Hezbollah (Party of
Allah) in Lebanon

Why is Islam constantly a source of war, violence and discord?
The problem simply enough is theological, because to its followers the
validity of Islam is directly connected to its physical supremacy. As
followers of the purported "final revelation" to mankind, Muslims not only
have the obligation to conquer and subjugate the rest of the world, their
religion is only meaningful to the extent that they can carry on the work
begun by Mohammed.

Since Islam derives meaning primarily from
physical supremacy, war becomes an act of faith. To believe in Islam, is
to have faith that it must and will conquer and subjugate the entire
world. And to be a true Muslim, one must feel called to aid in that global
conquest, whether it is by providing money and resources to the Jihadists
or to be a Jihadist yourself. Because Islam is expressed in physical
supremacy, violence against non-Muslims become the essence of religion.
And anything that suggests Islam is not absolutely superior touches on
Islamic insecurities as blasphemy.

When Muslims explode into
outbursts of violent rage over seemingly petty things like a cartoon or a
teddy bear named Mohammed, it is because to them, any loss of face for
Islam is the worst kind of blasphemy. Because Islam is a religion of
physical supremacy, and anything that challenges that supremacy is a
direct attack on their beliefs. What the Ten Commandments are for the Jew,
or the resurrection of Jesus for the Christian-- is the physical dominance
of Islam to the Muslim. It is the basis and fulfillment of his

Therefore by waging war on the infidels, by planting a
minaret in one of their cities, by forcing non-Muslims into a submissive
position-- to the Muslim this is an act that affirms the truth and power
of Islam. By causing infidels to "lose face", the Muslim fulfills the
Koranic verse which promises that Allah had sent Mohammed to make Islam
supreme over all religions. By contrast when Islam "loses face", an act of
blasphemy has been committed, which can only be righted religiously by
killing the non-Muslims, thereby forcing them to lose face and once again
affirming the physical superiority of Islam.

This creates the
cycle of violence that the media loves to harp on so much, but it is not
the result of Western oppression, it is the result of Muslims feeling
oppressed if they are not on top. When your belief system explicitly
proclaims its wille zur macht, its Will to Power, the idea of
multiculturalism and co-existence becomes a joke. To co-exist with
non-Muslims is itself blasphemous for a Muslim, which proclaims
"Do not
take the Jews and the Christians for friends
" (
) and whose
final command
was to ethnically cleanse the Jews and Christians of the
Arabian Peninsula. Islam does not co-exist, for its followers its truth
can only be found in conquering non-Muslims.

Whereas most religions can accept being in the inferior
position, because their fundamental faith in spiritual, rather than
material-- Islam has little to it but the material. Even its paradise
exists in the form of the sort of physical pleasures that its followers
crave, fancy robes, exquisite banquets, golden couches, and of course that
famed appeal to the dedicated Jihadist, "curvaceous virgins... and an
overflowing cup" (Koran 78:33-34). Islamic Heaven is essentially a grossly
exaggerated version of the kind of loot that Mohammed's followers expected
to find by following him in the first place, gold, jewels, silk, spices
and young girls.

The gang of throat slitters who accompanied
Mohammed on his massacres across the region were given a religious
incentive that would transcend death. Even if they died in battle and
would not live to enjoy all the jewels, overflowing cups and girls-- the
Koran promised it to them in heaven anyway. One can imagine the gang or
robbers, escaped slaves and ambitious desert rats trailing after Mohammed
across desert dunes, their minds filled with the feverish promises of rich
loot from the caravans they were raiding. And in the feverish heat, the
idea that they would receive even better loot if they were to die in
battle, making death preferable to life, would have actually seemed

Out of such such petty greed and lust did Islam
initially expand. Its code was that of the tribesman, to lose face or
engage in vendetta. Except Islam's face and vendetta did not involve a
single man or a clan, it came to involve over a billion people, who found
meaning in working toward the final conquest of Islam. The global triumph
of a desert raider's clumsily hammered together mass of Jewish and
Christian beliefs and tribal customs and legends, and his own biography,
used as a tool of conquest, forging temporary unities out of quarreling
tribes and clans.

And now Islam's vendetta is worldwide. Every
insecurity translates into a provocation. Every jealous never explodes
into violent rage. Every conflict for thousands of years breeds a new
vendetta. Did Muslims once live somewhere? They must reclaim it, for to
fail to do so is blasphemous and a betrayal of Allah and Mohammed's
mission. Did Muslims never live somewhere? Then they must go there now,
and raise up minarets and proclaim the superiority of Islam, for to do
otherwise is a failure to expand the borders of the Ummah, which is a
betrayal of Allah and Mohammed's mission.

The very existence of
people living free and happy, free from Islamic dominion, is blasphemy.
Blasphemy that must be remedied by bringing them into Islam, or under the
rule of Islamic law. Either one enforces the supremacy of Islam, because
it is not absolutely necessary that everyone believe in Islam. As a matter
of fact it would be rather inconvenient as there is little point on being
on top, if there isn't anyone on the bottom. A world filled with nothing
but Muslims, would deny the Believers the chance to lord it over the
infidels. What matters though is that everyone be subservient to Islam,
whether as Muslims or Dhimmis.

Meanwhile people who were once under Islamic dominion living
free of Islam, is worse than blasphemy, it is an insult and an attack on
Islam. That is what is behind the Muslim homicidal obsession with Israel,
which had until recently been in Muslim hands under the Ottoman Empire.
However even nations such as Spain, which had been lost to the Ummah long
ago, still inspire rage. The liberation of the Jews from Islamic dominion
is a particularly sore point, but not the only one. For all that the Koran
rants about Jews and Christians, its ultimate aim is worldwide.

intersection of Islam and Terrorism is not coincidental or the result of
specific political moves made by non-Muslim nations, as the conventional
narrative claims. It is the inevitable result of Islamic theology which is
supremacist and materialist, which when combined with the honor-shame code
of a tribal culture, drives it compulsively toward war and conquest. The
actions of non-Muslim nations serve only as variables to create a context
within which the supremacism of Islam expresses itself. These contexts may
vary as often as the justifications used in a Bin Laden video. But the
context itself is irrelevant in the larger history and theology of Islam.
Because in the end, the problem of Islamic violence is the problem of

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