Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Palestinians Already Have Two States

The Phyllis Chesler Organization

The Palestinians Already Have Two States

The Truth According to Khaled Abu Toameh

by Phyllis Chesler

Pajamas Media

April 15, 2010

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The world has gone mad—or at least, the American leadership has now formally joined the Islamist and international madness about "peace in the Middle East."

President Obama has just claimed that American "vital national security" is linked to finding—or even imposing—peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. South Africa's revered Archbishop Emeritus, Desmond Tutu, has just praised the recent Berkeley student vote (which the university's president later vetoed) to divest university money from companies that "profit from the injustice of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land in violation of Palestinian human rights." Tutu writes that what he witnessed in occupied Palestinian territory reminds him of the conditions he "experienced in South Africa under the racist system of apartheid."

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