Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Newt Gingrich Challenges The New Mosque Near Ground Zero As A Symbol Of Islamic “Triumphalism”

Newt Gingrich Challenges The New Mosque Near Ground Zero As A Symbol Of Islamic “Triumphalism”

2010 July 27

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich put the proposed giant mosque-community center complex, which is planned to be built right near Ground Zero, in the proper perspective. It is an illustration of sheer hypocrisy on the part of the leaders of this project and other Islamists who profess religious tolerance but expect it to run in only one direction – in their favor.

Here is what Newt Gingrich had to say about the hypocritical mosque planners last night on Greta Van Sustern’s Fox News show, “On The Record”:

They didn’t propose, Let’s build a mosque, church and synagogue. They said, Let’s build a 13-story mosque and a community center… I find it very offensive to get lectured about religious liberty at a time when there are no churches and no synagogues in Saudi Arabia and when no Christian and no Jew can walk into Mecca. I mean, I’d love to have these folks say, Let’s build a church and a synagogue in Mecca, or rather in Saudi Arabia… They’re not saying that. It is entirely one-sided and it is entirely, I think, a kind of triumphalism that we should not tolerate.

In his outreach to the Muslim world last year in Cairo, President Obama praised Islam for its “proud tradition of tolerance” and promised to do all that he can to ensure that there is nothing in our laws to impede “Muslim citizens practicing religion as they see fit.” (emphasis added)

The problem with Obama’s willingness to accommodate Islamic religious law – sharia – is that there is no apparent willingness on the part of Islamists devoted to sharia, who are living in our country, to accommodate their core practices to our core Western democratic values.

If Allah requires the segregation of men and women, then laws in our secular democratic society that protect the equal civil rights of men and women are seen to interfere with Muslims’ freedom to practice their religion as they see fit. So, for example, the community center pool planned for the huge new mosque complex near Ground Zero is likely to be segregated, but we must stand silent in the name of religious tolerance.

If freedom of expression, as defined and protected in Western law, leads to criticisms in non-Muslim countries that Muslims believe are insulting to their religion or prophet, then those who engage in such “insults” are branded Islamophobic racists by Islamists and their supporters.

As Newt Gingrich correctly points out, the Cordoba House – the new mosque complex named after the city in Spain where a conquering Muslim army replaced a church with a mosque – does not appear to be a symbol of true two-way religious tolerance and respect for all faiths. Instead, it will stand as a symbol of Islamic triumphalism:

The idea of a 13-story building set up by a group many of whom, frankly, are very hostile to our civilization — and I’m talking now about the people who organized this, many of whom are apologists for sharia, which is a form of law that I think we cannot allow in this country, period.

And I think that we have to recognize this is a fundamental choice here, and the radical Islamists — not — not Muslims who want to live their own lives and co-exist with Christians and Jews, the radical Islamists who are triumphalists who want to dominate the rest of us need to be confronted by us. And this mosque is an illustration of what they’re trying to do.


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