Friday, September 17, 2010

09-17-10: Boston Mosque Gets Non-Muslim Kids to Join in Muslim Prayers

Turkey and the End of Secularism?

The Editor
Turkey's ruling party, led by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is Islamist. As Turkey moves closer to Iran, will it abandon the secularism it has championed for 87 years?

Boston Mosque Gets Non-Muslim Kids to Join in Muslim Prayers

Shocking video!

Charles Jacobs

Saudi-funded Boston mosque turns "educational" school trip into "dawah" exercise in indoctrination. Would these Muslims allow their kids to join in non-Muslim prayers?

Read this article, watch the video and then share your comments - click here

The GOP: Locked, Loaded & Aiming for Its Own Foot...Again

Frank Salvato

The establishment Republican Party has loaded the gun and is now pointing the barrel directly at its own foot. Will it again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?


Video: Paul Ryan: If spending created jobs, we'd be at full employment!
Video: Iran's Stoning of Women - More than a death penalty?
Video: Illegal Alien Repeat Drunk Driver Pleads Guilty to Murder
Video: Escalating U.S. poverty rate sends shockwaves
Video: Fort Hood Muslim Soldier Accuses Army Of Islamophobia
L.A.: $111M in Stimulus Saved Just 55 Jobs
Video: White House Science Czar Says He Would De-Develop United States

The Defeat Lobby

Amir Taheri

America could destroy the power of the Taliban if it had the political will. Why are troops still in Afghanistan if the politicians do not have the stomach to seize victory?

Elections Matter: The Fiscal Consequences of Our Votes

Otto Sorensen

The president alone cannot choose how our money gets spent, as the approval of Congress must be gained first. Therefore, some elections decide more than we think....

The Right to Blaspheme

Nicholas Guariglia

While the administration enacts double standards and hypocrisy on the issue of not offending Islam (while allowing Islamists to offend most of the nation) America will remain confused and divided.

Harry Reid's Illegal Alien Student Bailout

Michelle Malkin

Is the DREAM Act the gateway through which other laws will follow, allowing all other illegal immigrants to gain legal status?

Iran Sinks Into the Mud

Dr. Michael Ledeen

In Iran, we are witnessing, I believe, a struggle for survival, both within the regime and between the regime and the opposition

The Pen vs The Sword

John Bernard

Academics can write of COIN and then their words can inspire real strategy, supported by politicians with no war experience. Nothing positive can ever come from this approach.

War on Terrorism: Defining "Hybrid Warfare"

Jim Kouri, CPP

Already, battles in Afghanistan have shown that the enemy can adopt methods of conventional warfare and then revert to unconventional tactics. Is America fully prepared for this?

Did We Have Guns of August Again?

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

Recently tin-pot dictatorships have been threatening their neighbours. Two of these have threatened America. Are these the times that try men's souls, or late summer bellicosity?

The Airbrushing of Middle East History

Melanie Phillips

When a British newspaper describes people of Judea at the time of Christ as "early Palestinians," what sort of revisionist airbrushing is going on?

Quote of the Day - September 17, 2010

FSM: Quote of the Day

Will this be the epitaph of the West?

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Al-Qaeda on Capitol Hill: Congressional Muslim Staffers Association Embraces Islamic Radicals and Terrorists (BIG PEACE)

  2. Australia: Non-Muslims must cover up at municipal pool to avoid offending Muslims during Ramadan (JIHAD WATCH)

  3. A Convenient Excuse: The assumption that every offense could cause violence insults Muslims. (JONAH GOLDBERG)

  4. Hunter lauds tactic to snuff IEDs: Enemies killed while planting the bombs (WT)

  5. We, the people, cheer Constitution's birthday (WT)

  6. Fort Hood shooting suspect's hearing to be open (BREITBART)

  7. The Chavez threat (JOHN BOLTON)

  8. Islamists claim responsibility for Russian bombing that killed 18 (AP)

  9. Leftist Professors and Double Standards (FRONT PAGE)

  10. This weekend’s elections could decide whether Afghanistan moves towards stability or chaos (NRO)

  11. Jimmy Carter Slams Ted Kennedy On Health Care (CBS)

  12. Tea Party comes to Australia

  13. US workers’ poverty reaches 50-year high (FT)

  14. Losses from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac seizures may near $400 billion (LA TIMES)

  15. Geithner Steps up China Yuan Policy Criticism (FOX BUSINESS)

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