Thursday, September 30, 2010

09-29-10: An al-Qaeda plot to kidnap and murder civilian hostages in European countries has been averted.

Al-Qaeda's European Terror Plot

The Editor
An al-Qaeda plot to kidnap and murder civilian hostages in European countries has been averted. With few arrests, the plotters are free to plan ahead...

Washington's Schizophrenic Approach Toward the Muslim Brotherhood

Steve Emerson

The Muslim Brotherhood is regarded on one hand as a supporter of Hamas and at the other as a moderate voice of Islamism. Why is the administration involved with the group?


Video: Ground Zero Islamic Mosque Developer - "There are NO discussions about moving this (mosque) project." "I am calling the shots."
Video: San Francisco bans "Happy Meals" at McDonald's restaurants
Video: Daniel Hannan has new Warning for America
Video: SEIU Fallout: FBI Investigates Prominent Labor Leader Andy Stern
Video: Black Panthers Leader (voter intimidation case) States: Whites Use Black Babies as Alligator Bait
Video: ‘Waiting for Superman' Exposes Failures of Big Education, Corrupt Teachers' Unions
Rural teacher shortage leads schools to grow own
Video: Did CBS Use Justin Bieber to Paint Tea Party as Violent, Anti-Government Extremists?

The End of Civility

Herbert London

Civility is about showing consideration for others. Has this respect been pushed out of modern dealings between people?

Why are Climategate Charlatans Still Free?

Alan Caruba

The AGW theory has led to billions of public funds going to "research," and even when that research has been falsified, perpetrators have been exonerated. Is this ethical?

Khaled Saffuri: Where is He Now?

Gary H. Johnson, Jr.

Khaled Saffuri was once associated with Abdurahman Alamoudi, a Muslim Brotherhood member who would be jailed for 23 years on terror charges. Saffuri's current role will surprise you...

Investigate Racism in the Obama Justice Department

Andrew McCarthy

When the Department of Justice applies racial bias in deciding the cases it will pursue, assuming it is "positively discriminating," where is the justice?

Big Labor, Not Tea Party, Is Workers' Worst Enemy

Michelle Malkin

When unions decide to bus workers to protest against the tea party movement, are there not issues that are affecting workers far more directly, with real adverse effect?

What Nuclear Gaming Tells Us About New START

mobile missile unit

Peter Brookes, Baker Spring

The New START treaty will commit America to a decade of reduced nuclear capacity. Gaming exercises were used in the Cold War to assess risks, but the world has changed....

The Iranian Mess

Dr. Michael Ledeen

Iran's Islamic Republic set itself up as a model for the world. Now it is a dangerous basket case nation, run by a miniature megalomaniac and spiralling into chaos....

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

  1. 'Mumbai-Style' Terror Attack in Europe Foiled (FOX)

  2. Officials in Europe, US on High Alert for Commando-Style Raids After Capture of Suspected German Terrorist (ABC)

  3. Anti-Islamist Dutch Politician, Facing Trial for ‘Inciting Hatred,’ Secures Its Place in New Government (CNS)

  4. Blast shows Bronx terror that might have been (NYP)

  5. Petraeus Fights Time, Enemy in Afghanistan (AP)

  6. New Senate Report: EPA’s polices harming America’s manufacturing base (CFP)

  7. US pressing Israel to halt West Bank construction (YAHOO)

  8. Pioneer Iran blogger sentenced to 19 years prison (WA PO)

  9. Counter-Terror Operation Stops Trucks on Georgia Interstate (WSBTV)

  10. NATO confirms senior al-Qaida commander killed

  11. Woman escapes, condemns oppressive Islam (DC CALLER)

  12. CEOs less willing to hire, sales a worry (YAHOO FINANCE)

  13. Why give tenure to bad teachers? (NYP)

  14. This Weak: Christiane Amanpour Leads ABC To Worst Ratings Since 2003 (MEDIAITE)

  15. Missionaries acquitted of “inciting” Muslim crowd in Dearborn (FREEP)

George Soros and J-Street

Melanie Phillips

J-Street, the Jewish group that says it supports Israel while criticizing it, is sponsored by billionaire George Soros who has funded anti-Israel groups. What is going on?

Quote of the Day - September 29, 2010

Why is nothing being done to challenge religious bullies?

Caption Contest: Top Entries - September 29, 2010

And the winner is...

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