Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Did you say never again?

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riyoutube Issue 26


It’s been a stormy few weeks as Americans grapple with the hot and complex issues of a post-9/11 world. With the mad Ground Zero mosque debate, Americans are forced to pinch themselves and wonder at the turned tables. Less than a decade after terrorists inspired by radical Islam have destroyed our ground and murdered our people, those brave Americans who want to protect our free land from that same dangerously encroaching radical Islam, are now being made out to be terrorists of freedom of religion and whatnot.

What have Americans learned in the past nine years? Well, it depends on which half of the population you’re talking about. And, what’s the deal with moderate Muslims? Who’s who in this messy picture? To answer these questions, take a look at the must-read articles below.

With all the at-home craziness, we can’t forget about the Iranian saga though. Don’t let Shiva Nazar-Ahari down—her life hangs in the balance. Take action and write a letter/sign a petition demanding the release of the noble 26-year-old Iranian journalist and human rights defender. Also, let’s show Ahmadinejad what we’ve got! Join the demonstration in NY this Sunday against his human rights abuses and nuclear aspirations.

Finally, watch Joseph Nassralla, a Coptic Christian activist, chillingly speak about what Islam has done to the Copts in Egypt at last week’s Rally of Remembrance at Ground Zero. As he yells, “God bless America! Wake up America!”

Peace to the souls of our murdered brothers and sisters. Never again. Let’s mean it.

The Ninth 9/11

By Daniel Pipes

As September 11 comes around each year, those of us who focus on radical Islam inevitably ask whether the lessons of 9/11 have sunk in – or whether they are fading as the event itself becomes a memory. Are we, in other words, progressing or regressing in what once was called the war on terror?

In contrast to a conventional war, in which objective markers such as control of territory or the output of steel indicate trends, in this new kind of war one must look to subjective factors like understanding the enemy or pride in one's own civilization. How, on this slippery basis, does the United States stand on the ninth 9/11?

On the plus side, about half of the population – basically the conservative half – has made substantial progress. It has done everything from read the Koran to volunteer for combat in Afghanistan. A speech by Newt Gingrich in July with an informed discussion of "a struggle with radical Islamists in both their militant and their stealth form," symbolizes this increase in awareness.

On the minus side, more

Which Side Are You On?: The "Moderate Muslim" Litmus Tests

By Barry Rubin


The state of California, a major player in the American textbook market, introduces its students to Islam in the seventh grade. For this purpose, the California State Board of Education has recommended the use of, among others, a world history textbook entitled History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond, issued by the Teachers' Curriculum Institute of Palo Alto. A review of the 2005 edition of this book (first published in 2004) provides a dismaying example of what has been, and in some states continues to be, wrong with public school teaching about Islam.

Not to put too fine a point on it, in these pages the history and beliefs of Islam receive special treatment accorded no other religion. This curious emphasis and flattery deserve scrutiny at a time when the three states that dominate the textbook market—California, Texas, and Florida—are officially in the process of reviewing learning standards and content for new textbooks, to be printed in 2011-13. California, however, has suspended its review process for lack of funds, which means that the standards used in producing this volume remain in force, and the textbook remains authorized for public schools. more

Take Action!

1. Amnesty International suggest before September 15th—this may be the last day help save a life! Write letters of protest and sign a petition demanding the release of Shiva Nazar-Ahari, a 26-year-old Iranian journalist and human rights defender. Time is running out, click here now.


2. Show your opposition to Ahmadinejad and his human rights abuses, as well as his nuclear aspirations! Stand in solidarity with those whose voices have been silenced in Iran! Demonstrators will stand with signs and tape over mouths to demonstrate that opposition to Iran's violent regime by its oppressed people is silenced. Tape and signs will be provided.

Sunday, September 19

1:30 pm - 5:00 pm at Columbus Circle Entrance to Central Park - 59th and Central Park West.

Be there and bring along your friends and family!

Special Segment
- Joseph Nassralla

In This Issue

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The Third Jihad

Radical Islam's Vision for America

is a documentary that alerts Americans to the danger radical Islam poses to the United States and to Western civilization as a whole.
Watch The Third Jihad Trailer

About RadicalIslam.org

RadicalIslam.org, the flagship education tool of the Clarion Fund, was developed to spread awareness about the threat of Radical Islam in the United States and to provide practical response tools. The portal acts as a social networking tool, uniting individuals across America to take a stand against Radical Islam. Users are encouraged to express themselves through comments on website blogs. RadicalIslam.org also has a live-blogging presence on Twitter: No2RadicalIslam.

Clarion Fund 255 W36th St New York NY 10018 USA

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