Tuesday, December 7, 2010


1. BREAKING Video: WikiLeaks founder Assange arrested in London
2. Video: Troops boo Griffin for attacking Bristol Palin
3. Video: FCC Commissioner - Free Internet a Civil Right for Every ‘Nappy Headed Child'
4. Video: Liberal Senator: "Take Up Pitchforks" If Conservatives Extend Tax Cuts for All
5. Video: Sharpton Meeting with FCC to Regulate Rush's ‘Racist Talk'
6. Video: Liz Cheney: The Petraeus Strategy Is Working In Afghanistan
 7. School-Assigned Book: Jesus a 'Wine-Guzzling Vagrant and Precocious Socialist'
8. Video: Sarah Palin shoots a Caribou - Scene from "Sarah Palin's Alaska"
9. Video: College Marxists at DREAM Act Rally: "Let's Make This Congress Scared of Us!"
10. Video: Ben Bernanke: 4-5 Years Until We Fully Recover (8.5 Million Jobs Lost)

Quote of the Day - December 7, 2010

Today is the 69th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack - a "date which will live in infamy."

Nuke Modernization is Chump Bait for New START treaty

James Carafano, PhD

The administration plays fast and loose with words where national security is concerned, and on the issue of "modernizing" America's nuclear defenses, words again mislead...

America to Talk Nukes with Iranian Islamists

Peter Huessy

Iran specializes in playing diplomatic rope-a-dope and with a meeting coming up, how should America discuss nukes with the intransigent and dishonest Iranian regime?

‘These Monstrous Budget Deficits Really ARE The Fault of The Constitution and Those Nutty Founders'

Frank Hill

Did the Founding Fathers assume that the leaders who succeeded them would never allow our collective national debt to escalate out of control as we have done over the past 10 years?

The Cancun Wealth Redistribution Conference

Paul Driessen

Global warming alarmists gather in last-ditch attempt to keep the climate change gravy train running...

Hand Book Shows Islamic Circle of North America's True Goals

Steve Emerson

The Islamic Circle of America claims to be moderate, but its handbook exposes its more hard core Islamist ambitions...

New START, New Threats, Same Uncertainty

Presidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade?, James Carafano, PhD

The President pushes for ratification of New START, and tries to address existing and emerging challenges. Meanwhile, the White House continues to live in La-La Land...

Empowering Israelis to Express Themselves

Caroline Glick

Many Israelis have protested governmental acts of appeasement, but have not been heard. Perhaps lampooning of Israeli elites and Arabist provocateurs may work where discourse failed.

My Top Ten Tea Party Patriots of the Year

Lloyd Marcus

As we move to the end of the year, a run-down of people who have shown themselves, in this author's opinion, to have helped to rekindle pride in America.

Sean Penn Movie Full of Lies, Post Says

Cliff Kincaid

Hollywood distorts reality for its own ends, but one movie about the Valerie Plame affair twists reality not only in hope of profit, but to promote a biased leftist agenda...

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

BREAKING: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested by Scotland Yard
White House, GOP strike deal on taxes, unemployment benefits (WT)
WikiLeaks: Julian Assange to hand himself in to police after arrest warrant issued (UK TELEGRAPH)
Bigots and Terrorists in Portland (NRO)
Universities encouraging students to receive welfare benefits (DC CALLER)
War-crimes probe opened against N. Korea (WT)
Navy petty officer accused of trying to sell classified military documents (WAPO)
Most Say Continuing Offshore Ban Will Hurt Economy (RASMUSSEN)
How to Balance the Budget Without Raising Taxes - The 19 Percent Solution (REASON.COM)
Al Gore's climate group shrinking (POLITICO)

Media Embrace Economic Hypocrisy

Roger Aronoff

The administration wants Republicans to agree to the extension of unemployment benefits without having to pay for it, in other words by adding to the deficit. The media support this...

Memo to America: Don't do Carbon Trading!

Roger Helmer, MEP

The United States must learn from the gross mistakes made by Europe on "carbon trading" and must not repeat them, states a European politician.

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