Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wikileaks exposes Arab fear

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One word can sum up the past week: Wikileaks. While the released U.S. State Department diplomatic cables caused a worldwide uproar, one thing was clear: the United States is not the only country concerned about a nuclear Iran. The greater Middle East is very afraid.

The leaked cables show that a number of Arab states secretly implored the U.S. to take whatever actions necessary to stop Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Countries including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, and the UAE pleaded with the U.S. behind closed doors to “cut off the head of the snake” (Saudi Arabia) or to “bomb Iran or live with an Iranian bomb” (Jordan).

Iran is gradually moving toward becoming a nuclear power. Years of negotiations with Iran have proven wholly unsuccessful in preventing the advancement of Iran’s nuclear goals. Former CIA officer, Clare Lopez, stresses that America must act to prevent the advancement of this threat, or our fate will soon be out of our hands.

At a time like this, when we see that the entire world is concerned about a nuclear Iran, educational films like Iranium become even more essential. Watch the trailer below and visit the film’s website to learn more about the nature of the threats, and policy actions being considered to prevent Iran from achieving its nuclear goals.

Wikileaks Reveals an Isolated Iran

By Ryan Mauro

WikiLeaks’ release of 250,000 diplomatic cables is a shameful act that will discourage countries from sharing information with the U.S. and officials from having frank discussions. In the shadow of this disgrace, however, one kernel of information may rise above the subversions and deliver an unexpected benefit: the world, including the Iranian regime, now knows that many Arab states are secretly entreating the U.S. to strike Iran.

In March, a member of Israel’s parliament claimed that a “wall to wall coalition” of Muslim states had secretly informed the Jewish State that they’d be behind whatever action was necessary to stop Iran’s nuclear weapons program. The files released by WikiLeaks show that the MP was not bluffing. The Sunni Arab states are petrified of the prospect of a nuclear Iran, and an unofficial alliance of necessity between Israel and the Arab states has been forged.

Saudi Arabia, despite its promotion of anti-Semitism and Wahhabism, was reported, on several occasions, to have offered Israel its air space to carry out an attack. Exercises to simulate such an event have taken place. The Saudis deny that any agreement exists, but the private communications revealed by WikiLeaks show that King Abdullah “frequently exhorted the U.S. to attack Iran.” He has told the U.S. that if Iran gets nukes, the rest of the countries in the Middle East, his own in particular, will follow suit. King Abdullah went so far as to tell the Iranians in March of 2009 that they had one year to change their approach. It is not clear from the documents what Abdullah planned to do after that deadline. more

Time is Up to Stop Iran's Nuclear Bomb

By Clare Lopez

It’s not that unusual to hear hostile remarks directed at the United States from the Iranian regime -- but lately, it’s been getting not only personal but frankly contemptuous. Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki recently let it be known that “we do not take [U.S. Secretary of State] Mrs. Clinton seriously.” Hostility is normal between mortal enemies. Contempt means they think we’re so weak, we don’t even rate the effort hostility would take.

At this point, even moves intended to show resolve fall flat with Tehran. Despite a U.S. naval build-up in the Persian Gulf that includes stationing two ships armed with anti-missile missiles and providing additional defensive missiles to Sunni regimes in the area, the Iranians remain unimpressed. Just as they were earlier when the Obama administration offered an “outstretched hand” if Iran would “unclench its fist.” Or when president Obama wrote ridiculous letters of supplication and congratulation to Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei and president Ahmadinejad.

The White House decision not to speak out in support of the Iranian demonstrators who took to the streets to protest rigged presidential elections in June 2009 didn’t seem to win any points with the mullahs either. Instead, the Iranian parliament voted to approve $20 million for exposing human rights abuses in the U.S. Is this country even capable anymore of realizing when it’s being seriously dissed? more

Take Action!

clipWatch the Iranium trailer on YouTube and post a comment!

Most of the comments to date have been made by those who do not believe that Iran poses a threat to America and the free world. Show your support for the film, and help bring the intentions of the Iranian regime to light.

Further action – “Like” the ‘Iranium the Movie’ Facebook page to get further updates about the Iranian threat, and the release of Iranium. Re-post and tweet about the film and updates on your own Facebook pages and Twitter accounts.

Coming soon on DVD… Iranium


In This Issue

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An Isolated Iran arrow
Time is Up to Stop Iranarrow
Take Action!arrow
Iranium - Coming soon on DVDarrow

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