Thursday, May 26, 2011

05-25-11: Porkulus: Cash for Tax Cheats by M. Malkin (Plus: Netanyahu U.S. Visit Videos)

Islam's Victimization of Iran

by Amil Imani

The current despotic regime in Iran portrays the land as exclusively Islamic, while historically Islam was a force that brought oppression to bear upon a vibrant and spiritual civilization.



1. Video: Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu's epic speech before U.S. Congress
2. Video: Netanyahu Interview - Israel is only place where Arabs Have Rights
3. President Signs Westminster Abbey Guest Book...Using 2008 Date!

4. Video: Did VP Refuse to Clap after Netanyahu's Jerusalem Comments?
5. Video: Know the facts - Watch this Video About Israel's Borders
 6. Video: President G.W. Bush Has Near Miss With a Foul Ball at Texas Rangers' game

7. Study: Liberal leanings hurt Republicans' place in history
8. Video: President's Toast to the Queen Triggers Awkward Moment
9. Video: Man and Woman Survive Tornado by Hiding in a Truck
10. Video: CODEPINK Offensiveness: Disturbance in House chamber during Netanyahu's speech
11. Video: American Idol 2011 (Finals) - Scotty McCreery - Will I Love You This Big

Fin de Regime in Syria?

Daniel Pipes

The level of protests in Syria has reached a point where a change in Western policy could change the situation and help topple the Assad dictatorship.

Has The Organized Jewish Community Lost Its Collective Mind?

Shari Goodman

The lack of vocal support for Israel from leading Jewish representative groups in America is shocking, and playing into the hands of Israel's enemies.

Time to Leave Afghanistan

Alan Caruba

America is now over $14 trillion in debt and yet we keep sending billions to nations like Pakistan and to the United Nations, most of whom must think us stupid beyond belief.

Oil "Subsidy" and "Tax Breaks" Nonsense

Paul Driessen

Did you think repealing oil industry tax incentives would increase federal revenues? Think again.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Vitter To Salazar: You Want A Pay Raise? Fine - Do Your Job First

Scott McKay

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar wants a pay rise, even though his actions to block lifting of the oil drilling moratorium have cost many Americans their jobs

Porkulus: Cash for Tax Cheats

Michelle Malkin

At a congressional hearing on Tuesday, federal auditors reported on the latest porkulus spending gone wild.

Caption Contest: Top Entries - May 25, 2011

And the winner is...

Quote of the Day - May 25, 2011

Obama has adopted the Bush doctrine...

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