More from the MIGHTY ATLAS on this sad case of HONOR MURDER of Fatima Abdallah.
What you are witnessing Infidels,, is the slow chipping away of the RULE OF LAW in the States to allow these SAVAGES to honor kill their women!!!
WAKE THE HELL UP,, this is the begining of ANARCHY in North America,, if a HOMICIDE CHARGE is not made in this case!!!!
Rifqa Bary Link to Fatima Abdallah Honor Killing
Former Prosecutor: "She was Beaten With A Vengeance"
The more we know about the death of Fatima Abdallah, the more the fact that she was murdered is irrefutable and her inclusion in this gruesome group is absolute. I have made some important discoveries in the continuing search for the truth.
I have asked John Jay, former prosecutor in Washington State and Atlas's resident expert in such matters, to examine the substantial evidence presented in the initial investigation of death of Fatima Abdallah. In 25 years of law practice, the majority involved in prosecuting and defending major felonies, John Jay has never ever heard or read of a person killing herself by flinging herself upon the floor or a table. "Quite frankly, I seriously doubt it can be done."
I think it is important to note that at the exact same time of Fatima Abdallah's alleged honor killing, Rifqa Bary was not 85 miles away, fighting for her very life under the same deathly system of misogyny and Islamic domination that Fatima had lived under. Rifqa Bary had escaped to Florida after her father had threatened to kill her when he found out that she had left Islam and converted to Christianity. Rifqa Bary's battle was being waged in the media and on this blog (211 posts). Ohio and Florida law enforcement refused to address the religious motivation (fatwa) behind the death threat made to Rifqa's life. A brutal honor killing of a Muslim woman not 85 miles away would certainly have swayed the court of public opinion.
Rifqa Bary made this stunning admission of a threat to her life living in a devout Muslim household on August 10, 2009. Fatima Abdallah was brutally honor killed on August 17, 2009.
The public battle on Rifqa Bary waged for months. Tampa Police Homicide Detective Sonja Wise reclassified this case from “Unexplained Death” to “Accidental Death” on October 13, 2009, based upon Dr. Harris’ autopsy report the very same day that a Florida court ruled that Rifqa Bary would be sent back to Ohio (albeit foster care, not to her devout Musim family home).
I believe that the authorities were well aware of the Rifqa Bary controversy (and who wasn't?) and deliberately covered up Fatima's honor killing for fear of igniting more dialogue and exposure of gender apartheid in Islam. This is murder -- of a woman and a civilization. Dr. Harris [Laura S Hair MD] and any other pathologist(s) who performed (and or signed off) on the autopsy report should go to prison.
This is the continuation of self enforcing sharia law in America.
Atlas readers, you must demand the case be re-opened. Are we to sanction honor killing in this country on our watch? This is sharia -- fight it. Click here to send your email urging State Attorney Mark Ober and Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn to conduct a thorough and proper investigation. This cannot, must not stand.
Here are some of John Jay's observations after studying the autopsy report and crime scene.
The autopsy is an exceedingly flawed document. Perhaps criminally so. The autopsy is very flawed, and if it weren't for you insisting that I be thorough and look at all the pictures, I would not have discovered that I was taken in by it. It is not obvious that it is a falsehood in its conclusions on the surface, because it is not readily obvious that it has omitted very salient facts. When I looked at the picture of the deceased in the main post at the blog, I noted the swelling to her chin and especially in the area of her ears, and commented on this at the "comments" section at Atlas Shrugs.
Photo: This photo shows the blow to the mouth, and the split to the cheek. But it is obvious that she has suffered a severely dislocated jaw, with swelling all the way to the ears. And it is obvious that she did not hit the point of her chin on a hard edged table to do this ... if she had, she would have split her chin, or caused some serious contusion on the end of it.
In short, she took a blow to the eye socket, and she took one to the mouth that dislocated her jaw.
Knock out punches, both.
The autopsy does not mention this at all. How could the pathologist not have noticed this?
The pathologist deliberately did not treat of this incredibly obvious trauma to the woman, in order to be able to arrive at the rather dubious assertion that no deliberate beating was involved. What the pathologist deliberately focused on were sort of innocuous injuries, comparable to the traumas we see people suffer and survive almost every day, those being the "broken nose," e.g., the dislocation of the nose cartilage from the nasal bone of the skull, and a very small fracture of the eye orbit. And then the pathologist noted the brain bleed, and that was it.
It rather gave the impression that the death was a fluke, and lent credence to the family's assertion that the deceased's injuries were self inflicted. Those assertions by the family are patent falsehoods, given the reasons discussed below, and the pathologist's autopsy report and "analysis" amount to a cover up of an honor killing.
The proof of these assertions lie eloquently in the graphic depictions of the injuries suffered by the deceased to her mouth, lips and cheek, and the horrendous swelling the trauma inflicted on that area had on the structure of her jaw, and the likely dislocation and fracture of her jawbone. She was, at the time of her death, 5'5" tall, and weight 105 pounds. Yet her jaw, all the way to her ear canals and down below the bottom of the jaw, was horribly swollen and distended.
Yet the pathologist did not examine this area of her face, though she excised and opened the cheek to examine the fractured orbit.
Photo: She has a split to the skin, left cheek, just to the left of the left corner of her mouth.
It is a straight line. The human body does not do things on a straight line. She was struck by something hard edged, straight, and then it went straight up at right angles to the split. It was sharp. It was not rounded. It was not a tear, it was a cut. Like the edge of a ring.
Photo: She was struck very forcibly on her mouth, as well. Try to hit yourself on the mouth with a flat surface, a desk top. It is hard to do. Try to hit yourself on the mouth with an edged surface. You can do it, though I cannot imagine forcing one's self to do it, but it would be hard to do it without really lacerating the lips, breaking teeth, that sort of thing. Didn't happen, at least as recorded by the autopsy. I think that explains the swelling to the jaw line, up to the ears. I think she got punched in the eye & nose, and took another very hard shot to the mouth, causing:
1.) the brain hemorrhage, and
2.) the swollen jaw line, up to and including the ears.
I am at a positive loss as to why the pathologist didn't examine these areas, especially given the swelling in her lower face, neck, chin and up to the ears.
She also got a severe blow to the mouth. She was tiny. 5'5", 105 lbs. It didn't take much of a beating to kill her.
This woman died as the result of a homicide, died from injuries that were caused by deliberate blows to her face, in the area of the nose, and to the mouth. Being struck by either or both of these types of blows was the cause of her brain bleed.
The family's contention that she died as a result of self inflicted injuries caused by striking her head on the table is pure absolute bunkum.
I have looked at the photos of what I will now unreservedly call the crime scene.
Photo: Coffee table where the official report alleges Fatima killed herself by hitting her head repeatedly on the coffee table. Note, no blood.
I have made an attempt to look at each and every photo, and most particularly at the photos of the table she purportedly "used" to injure herself. On not one single photograph of that table available at Atlas is there a speckle, fleck, spot, drop, pool, puddle or smear of blood from the deceased, or anybody else for that matter.
Photo: this photo has blood under her nails. she did not scratch herself, not mentioned anywhere in the autopsy, no photos of scratches.
Photo: she has blood on the left cup of her bra, after her sweater has been lifted up to expose her bra. Why does she have blood on her left breast?
The blood in these locations is copious. Profuse. It soaks the carpet, and covers her bra cup to the size of a hand.
There is not a spot or drop to be found on the table where she supposedly beat herself to death.
On her left cheek, by the left corner of her mouth, is a cut. It is a straight cut, and it is an impression, so strongly impressed upon her skin that it is left indented in death. That cut is straight. There is nothing straight about nature, and nothing straight about the way the body reacts to trauma. A physical object made that cut, and she bled from it.
If you examine all the pictures from that room, the scene of her death, you will find no object that could either have inflicted that injury, nor any object that could have inflicted that injury with her blood on it. Not on the table, which is littered with round objects, t.v. remotes in the main, nor anywhere else.
It looks to me like the edge of a ring made that impression.
I will tell you why I hold to that view.
Photo: Contusion to left shoulder
In the photos, at this poor woman's right shoulder and just across from her armpit, you will see a contusion, entirely consistent with that caused by being very forcibly held in the grip of a hand, thumb shoved into the arm pit, her rather thin arms held and pressed strongly at the palm.
Photo: contusion to elbow ... with blood, grasped with left hand, on her right elbow, free to strike with right arm/fist/hand
In the photos is a picture of her right elbow, contused by a very similar grip.
All of this is entirely consistent with a larger and stronger person holding her by the shoulder and elbow, and striking her viciously in the face with the right arm, fist clenched, over the left eye socket, and to the left jaw. My guess is the left insertion of the jaw bone just before the ear canal is dislocated, and the right jaw broken from being so struck. I would bet dollars to donuts that were her body exhumed, assuming it is available to be so, that this would be borne out.
And, finally, there is the matter of the ribs. If you will read the autopsy reports, you will find that her ribs 5-9 were broken posteriorly, and that the intercostal spaces experienced hemorrhaging. Dead people don't bruise, and dead people don't hemorrhage.
The autopsy report puts this off to efforts to revive her.
According to information from investigators, the medical personnel involved deny any efforts at resuscitation. They did not break her ribs, and they did not inflict that hemorrhaging.
I do not know the time intervals involved in between the arrival on scene of the medical personnel and the crime scene photographer. All I can say is that certain of the crime scene photos memorialize the fact that lividity to the body, that being the settling of blood and red corpuscles to the lowest points in the body, was well advanced by the time the death scene photos were taken. In my view, this tends to support the assertion of the medics that they made no efforts to resuscitate her, she apparently being very thoroughly dead upon their arrival. Photo: Lividity of body, establishing length of death by time investigators on the scene
This woman was beaten with a vengeance, and was hit brutally, more than once, and perhaps more than several times.
She weight 105 pounds, at 5'5" in height. Look at her face. Look at the swelling of her jaw, and look at the photos of the injury to her mouth and lips, and the blood that flowed from them.
Figure it out.
And, marvel that the pathologist who performed the autopsy could not, or that even more marvelously, she deliberately ignored what is before your eyes, and would not delve into it, because the truth frightened her.
In short, she lied to you on August 17, 2009.
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