Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tom Friedman: Bring Tahrir Square to Jerusalem

The Phyllis Chesler Organization


Tom Friedman: Bring Tahrir Square to Jerusalem

by Phyllis Chesler

May 26, 2011

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This week, Tom Friedman more than earned his keep at The New York Times by essentially calling for the "non-violent" destruction of the Jewish State. I am not exaggerating. Wait until you read exactly what he's written in his column: "Lessons From Tahrir Square."

First, Friedman calls for a "Tahrir Square alternative" in terms of the Israel-"Palestine" impasse.

Tahrir Square? Did the man sleep through journalist Lara Logan's mass gang rape there? Does he view such a mob as "peaceful" or "non-violent?" Does he not understand that the young Egyptian Wael Gonim has, perhaps unintentionally, paved the way for the far more organized Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists to assume power? Does Friedman actually believe that the Islamist factions at war with each other and with their overlords, chieftains, and dictators, are all engaged in "non-violent" social change?

Read the complete original version of this item...

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