Do YOU want this to happen to YOUR daughters??? It's coming to North America,,
Thanks to the Mighty ATLAS for this latest barbarism from the "religion of piece"
Dawn Raid: Scores of Non-Muslim Schoolgirls From Muslim Sex Gangs
This is just another in a long line of busts of Muslim gangs in the UK grooming underage non-Muslim girls for sex slavery. Has the UK so lost its civilizational spine that their children are now booty for the Muslim invaders? Stop importing these marauderers and destroyers.
I have reported on these Muslim oppressors repeatedly, and still these news stories are a shock to the system. What's it going to take?
Dawn raids across Manchester as police move in on gang who groomed under-age girls at drug-fuelled sex parties Daily Mail By Jaya Narain (hat tip Tel)
Dozens of vulnerable teenage girls may have been rescued from the clutches of a paedophiles after a major police operation smashed a child sex gang.
Around 100 officers swooped on houses in a series of raids yesterday arresting 10 men suspected of grooming young girls for sex.
The victims were allegedly showered with gifts and then plied with drink and drugs before being taken to special 'sex parties' in Manchester and Salford.
friends of the gang in what police say was a classic case of ‘sexual grooming and entrapment.’ Last night the men, all aged between 18-28, were being questioned by detectives at a number of different police stations across the North West.
A mattress is taken away from one of the homes raided as part of Operation Windermere
They are the latest in a wave of arrests carried out by police investigating gangs of Asian [Muslim] men grooming underage white girls for sex
A string of disturbing cases in the Midlands and north of England prompted the launch of a nationwide investigation to look into the phenomenon.
In January Former Home Secretary Jack Straw was accused of ‘stereotyping after suggesting some men of Pakistani origin see white girls as ‘easy meat’.
Last night police were confident they had smashed yet another alleged gang after arresting the 10 men – seven Asian [Muslim], two white and one black – on suspected child sex offences.
The arrests in Manchester, Salford and Buxton come after a major three-month inquiry into the sexual exploitation of a number of girls.
Detectives say at least 39 underage girls have been spoken to, either as suspected victims or witnesses, as part of the major probe.
It is understood a only six or seven alleged sex gang victims have been identified but detectives believe the true number runs into dozens.
Police say the alleged victims had been groomed by the older men who bought them meals or took them out for all-expenses-paid nights out.
The girls were understood to have been lured off the street with promises of cannabis, amphetamines, jewellery, new pairs of trainers and trips out to fast food restaurants.
After four of five weeks of 'affection and flattery', it is claimed, gang members would then ask for sex often after first giving the girls drink and drugs.
It is understood the girls – all aged around 14 and upwards - would also be taken to the 'sex parties' at flats and houses, where they would be ‘handed out’ to other men.
Read the rest.
Previously at Atlas: UK: Muslim Gang Charged in Child "Prostitution Ring" Charges ...
Muslim gang rape girls as young as 12 Somali Muslim Gangs Ran Sex Ring in 3 U.S. States -
Islam Gone Wild
Dutch Girls Stoned by Muslim Gang in The Netherlands
Muslim Violence Infects, Spreads Across Continents
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 01:50 AM in Eurabia 2010 | Permalink | Comments (4) ShareThis
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