Another from the Mighty ATLAS,,
(are people stupid,, to want to vote for this guy???)
Election Jihad: Former Hamas-linked CAIR Official, Basim Elkarra, Running for California Office
This guy is hardcore. Basim Elkarra is a rising star in the Democrats. He recently went to the notoriously violent and Islamized Tower Hamlets in the UK. Probably taking notes for the future. This is the next wave of jihad. Islamic supremacists in government. Think about that.
Read his shpiel. Reads like the Muslim Brotherhood group CAIR's Press release.
Protection of Civil Liberties & Combating Hate Crimes
Increase diversity within the Democratic Party
Immigrant and Worker’s Rights
Quality Education for All
Economic Justice for All
Note "hate" crimes (the sharia), civil liberties (playing the non-existent race card -- Islam is not a race), diversity (cough, cough), immigrant and workers rights (playing the union thug and immigration card), economic justice for all (moocher and the looter vote). The stealth jihad is very slick, and this is it at its slickest. Using our freedoms to kill freedom.
The state of California is decayed, bankrupt, pillaged, destroyed. Now the vultures come in for the kill.
Basim Elkarra for 5th Assembly District Delegate - Executive Board Representative (hat tip Jean)
Assalam Alaikum!
I am excited to be running for 5th Assembly District Delegate-Executive Board Representative.
This race will be very competitive, to win, I need your vote and help!
Please join me at the 5th Assembly District Delegate Elections and VOTE to send me to the Democratic State Convention asyour Executive Board Representative!
What: Elect Basim Elkarra as a Delegate to the CA Democratic Party
When: Sunday, January 9, 2011Registration & Voting: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM (Registration closes promptly at 3 PM)Meeting: 3:00 PM
Where: Straw Hat Pizza4441 East Commerce, Sacramento CA (off of Del Paso Rd.)For Directions: Click Here
In 2009, I was elected to my first term as a delegate. At the convention, I was elected to Chair the Arab American Caucus and sit onthe CA Democratic Party’s Executive Board. Earlier this year, I was appointed by Chairman John Burton to Chair the Party’s AffirmativeAction Committee. For the past six years, I have served as the Executive Director of the Sacramento Valley Chapter of the Council onAmerican-Islamic Relations (CAIR-SV). I have worked to protect civil liberties, engage our Legislators, and building coalitions with Ethnic,Interfaith communities, and law enforcement. I currently serve as a Board Member of ACLU-Sacramento, the Sacramento Police AdvisoryCommittee, and the Los Rios Community College Bond Oversight Board. If reelected, I will ensure that our community’s voice continues tobe heard in the California Democratic Party.
I am running to promote our shared ideals and goals:
Empower and increase involvement of our community in the Democratic Party
Protection of Civil Liberties & Combating Hate Crimes
Increase diversity within the Democratic Party
Immigrant and Worker’s Rights
Quality Education for All
Economic Justice for All
Here's the skinny on Basim:
Basim Elkarra of CAIR - Download Basim-Elkarra-of-CAIR
on, forward the poster.
On June 2nd Tower Hamlets council will launch a new “Youth Council” at an event at the Water Lily Centre.1
One of the scheduled speakers is Basim Elkarra. He is the executive director of the Sacramento, California office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). He joined CAIR in 2004. He is a first generation Palestinian-American from San Francisco who was educated at Berkeley.
CAIR is an Islamic lobby group. It is notorious in the United States for its close links to American funders of Hamas, as revealed in the Holy Land Foundation case, and its defiance of the FBI’s counterterrorism operations. The FBI severed relations with the group in 2008. A detailed independent study of CAIR and its terrorist ties is available at this internet link: Investigative Project.
A poster published by CAIR’s San Francisco office earlier this year summarises the group’s attitude. It shows a shadowy FBI agent being shut out by a neighbourhood in the name of “resistance”.CAIR Imagery Makes Obstructionist Goal Clear
The poster was a response to FBI investigations of alleged US supporters of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Both have been designated terrorist groups by the United States. The poster was part of a CAIR event announcement which said “This type of investigation is a tool to repress our movements for social justice and divide our communities".2
The rest of this note profiles episodes in Basim Elkarra’s record. They are typical of CAIR and show why he and CAIR should never be considered legitimate partners by Tower Hamlets council, especially in youth work.
http://nds.coi.gov.uk/content/detail.aspx?NewsAreaId=2&ReleaseID=419619&SubjectId=16&AdvancedSearch =true 2 http://www.investigativeproject.org/2492/cair‐imagery‐makes‐obstructionist‐goal‐clear
Basim Elkarra of CAIR
- Basim Elkarra has a record of strongly criticising US counter-terrorism investigations and portraying them as attacks on the “Muslim community”. He has also painted individual terrorism suspects facing serious allegations as innocents and one as a worthy Islamic leader. His goal - in line with CAIR’s modus operandi - is to foment division, paranoia and anger that is likely to frustrate the authorities in their vital work for the security of US citizens.
- He has simply dismissed concerns about CAIR’s own links with terrorism. His CAIR chapter has invited well-known American extremist Siraj Wahhaj to raise funds for
- the chapter and speak at its conferences.
- When he was a student at Berkeley his Muslim Student Association invited a Hamas operative to address students. The operative had been convicted of terrorism offences in Israel and sentenced to five years in prison. Elkarra moderated the event, which was titled “Continuing Resistance in Palestine”.
- While most of CAIR’s strongest opponents are on the right, CAIR has also been strongly criticised by Democratic politicians for aiding extremists. California Senator Barbara Boxer, a Democrat, took note of these concerns in 2006 and rescinded an award her office had given to Elbarra.
- Many Muslims too do not support CAIR. In California, some of the fiercest criticism of Elkarra and his CAIR chapter has been expressed by Muslims.
- In fact, one of the best ways to aid Muslims who oppose extremism is to challenge the opportunist and entryist political operations of CAIR.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 12:58 PM in Election jihad | Permalink | Comments (33) ShareThis
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