Friday, September 9, 2011

09-09-11: Al Qaeda Thugs Possibly Planning To Strike On 9/11 Anniversary [PLUS: Another Day of Infamy]

'On a Day When Others Tried to Divide Us'

Frank Salvato
Islam motivated the 19 attackers of 9/11, but now the political climate is moving to forbid criticism of Islam, and to blame Islamist attacks on something other than Islamism.



1. VIDEO: CNN Reports on Chilling Newly-released recordings from 9/11 ...These include the horrific words from the lead terrorist murderer hijacker as the attacks were in progress.
2. VIDEO: Feds: Zawahiri Launched Al Qaeda Terror Plot for 9/11 Anniversary
3. VIDEO: Audio Files Reveal Horror of Final Moments in 9/11 Hijackings -reveals air traffic controller hearing hijacker say, 'We have some planes'
4. VIDEO: FBI Raids Bankrupt California Solar Firm Solyndra with Ties to White House
5. VIDEO: Jay Carney: President Wants to ‘Put Party Ahead of Country': White House Spokesman Misspeak or Freudian Slip?

6. VIDEO: Sharia Threat to U.S. - Frank Gaffney, with the Center for Security Policy, and retired Lt. Gen. William "Jerry" Boykin

8. VIDEO: Rick Santelli, NYT's Friedman duke it out over "Ponzi scheme"
9. VIDEO: Rep. Allen West Promotes Anti-Ground Zero Mosque Film

10. President Obama's jobs speech to Congress [FULL TEXT]
11. Couples Who Receive Government Assistance Report Less Marital Satisfaction, Commitment, U.S. Study Finds

Another Day of Infamy

John Miller

A retired Australian intelligence official gives his appraisal of 9/11 and evaluates, after 10 years, which real lessons have been learned.

Let Us Put the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 in Context

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

Al Qaeda was not the first Islamist terrorist group, and it will certainly not be the last, but history shows that most terror cults soon lose support.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Iranian TV Loves Soros Report on Islam

Cliff Kincaid

Despite its bias and inaccuracies, the recent "Islamophobia" report by the Center for American Progress has become a source of propaganda for America's enemies in the Iranian government.

Ten Years Later, Radical Islam Still a Taboo Subject

Steve Emerson

There remains a refusal to acknowledge the role radical Islamic ideology plays in fueling terrorist plots 10 years after the 9/11 attacks

All the Wrong 9/11 Lessons

Michelle Malkin

With political correctness abounding, are your kids learning the right lessons about 9/11?

How Long Has the CIA Had Dealings With the Muslim Brotherhood?

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report

Reports from Jordan and an article by a former WSJ reporter suggest that America has had direct relations with the Muslim Brotherhood long before this administration's tenure.

Missing In Action: All-American Courage

Since 9/11, we've wallowed in hysteria and fear.

Ralph Peters

Before 9/11, conservatism stood for stalwart courage and confidence in the United States of America. What has happened in the intervening years to change this?

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Report Card on the 9/11 Commission's Recommendations

Peter Gadiel, Patrick Dunleavy

Family Security Matters and 9/11 Families for a Secure America check key recommendations from the 9/11 Commission to see if they have been implemented. The news is not good.

California Dreamin' - A National Nightmare?

John Howard

For decades, California has engaged in wild spending, bringing it to near bankruptcy. It is this model that is currently followed on a federal level, and this is why the nation is in trouble...

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