Wednesday, April 2, 2014

04-02-14: The Problem is Liberalism, Not Racism (Plus:Islamists Murder Young Christian)

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

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The Film Common Core Educrats Don't Want You to See

Burka bars

Islamophobia in action? 'Honor Diaries' screening shut down by CAIR

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O'Reilly Talking Points: Was there an abuse of power after the attack in Benghazi?

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The women of 'Duck Dynasty' on the men behind the beards


Mark Levin Hammers Obama's 'Castro'-Like ObamaCare Presser


BREAKING REPORT: CIA info contradicted protest story in Benghazi attack

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Fallon Mocks ObamaCare Victory Lap


Couple lives the high life on food stamps (Your tax dollars at work!)


Senator Ted Cruz Seeks to Block Terrorists From Serving as UN Ambassadors in New York City

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President Obama Obama mocks Conservatives: "There are still no death panels; Armageddon has not arrived"

In Case You Missed It


Obama's April Fools: You Can Keep Your Doctor

women in burqas

Film on violence against Muslim women attacked by CAIR (Megyn Kelly)

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Media Blackout Of Negative ObamaCare Stories

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Ezekiel Emanuel Applauds ObamaCare Website, Then Is Told It's Down Again


Laura Ingraham Late for Radio Show Due to Speeding Ticket, Laments not Using 'Illegal Alien' Defense


RUSH: ObamaCare Is A ‘Direct Wealth Transfer'


Sebelius Has No Comment After Hearing Oklahoma's Opposition To ObamaCare

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Barrasso: Why I think the ObamaCare books are 'cooked' (on Greta)

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Gwyneth Paltrow thinks being movie star mom is harder than being a mom with a normal job?

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

RAND Study: Most Obamacare Enrollees Were Already Insured

Forbes reports that the most common reason people did not sign up for plans through Obamacare was that they were too expensive.

Teddy Roosevelt's Real Views on Immigration

I was on family Spring Break in Texas when I heard of VP Biden quoting Teddy Roosevelt in support of amnesty for illegal immigrants. This was not a gaffe, it was an outright lie. I knew as soon as I got back home I would want to write an expose on what TR really felt about immigration policy. The resulting article is attached.

Dear Mr. Colbert: Me so stupid. You so funny!

Question: Who are the most prominent public purveyors of Asian stereotypes and ethnic language-mocking in America?

A World War of Community Organizers

The war that never ends has been good to Obama. Its various clashes have given him two terms and very little media scrutiny.

The Problem is Liberalism, Not Racism

Liberal code word for 'racist': someone like Paul Ryan, who wants to make Americans better off by giving them freedom, choice, responsibility, and less government.

Egyptian Islamists Murder Young Christian, After Dragging Her From Car

Eyewitnesses have given a harrowing account of the murder in Cairo of a young Coptic Christian woman, hauled out of her car and beaten and stabbed to death by a Muslim mob, apparently targeted because of a cross hanging from her rear-view mirror.

Protecting Hillary Trumps Benghazi Investigation

Why hasn't the Democratic leadership forged ahead on the Benghazi issue to investigate and then close it once and for all?

When Women's Issues Hide Humanity's Problem

Known as the Ja'afari Law after an early Shiite imam, the legislation would allow Iraq's Shiite Islamic clergy to control marriage, divorce and inheritance. Among other things, this would permit marriage between a man and a 9-year-old girl...

Illinois: 2014 Candidates for Congress - Where They Stand

Illinois STATE flag
Be a high information voter! Before you pull the lever, learn your candidates' positions on key issues! Who are the incumbents and who are their challengers? Read on...


Is President Obama In Touch With Reality?

Critics have suggested that President Obama's foreign policy is "feckless." Some have argued the president is insouciant, a relative innocent, incapable of responding to the challenges that confront him. I see it somewhat differently.

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