Thursday, April 3, 2014

04-03-14: Does anyone in DC tell the truth? (Plus: Palin on The Tonight Show w/ Jimmy Fallon)

FSM video  picks + 2012 site


·  Sarah Palin Talks To Jimmy Fallon's "Vladimir Putin" In "Tonight Show" Skit

eye on campus

·  Father's response to Common Core assignment goes viral...explains his frustration


·  Krauthammer on Obamacare Victory Lap: "It Is A Phony Number And It's Wonderfully Precise"


·  Time to allow soldiers to carry arms on stateside posts?


·  Tucker Carlson on Immigration Reform: "Deportation Shouldn't Be Off The Table"

terry+gowdy+congress 2012+ RECTANGLE

·  Rep. Gowdy Doubles Down: Says Pelosi Needs to See Mental Health Professional

Michele Bachman

·  Things Get Tense When Bachmann Grills Former CIA Deputy Director Over Benghazi Talking Points

malaysia 777 jet plane _ large

·  Aviation expert: Missing Malaysia jet was a cover-up

glenn beck fox

·  Beck Actually Had to Turn Off His Microphone to Get Through This 16-Second Obama Audio Without Shouting

fort Hood 1

·  Shooting Confirmed at Fort Hood Army Base


·  Caroline Glick on the Two State Solution

In Case You Missed It

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The Film Common Core Educrats Don't Want You to See

Burka bars

Islamophobia in action? 'Honor Diaries' screening shut down by CAIR

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O'Reilly Talking Points: Was there an abuse of power after the attack in Benghazi?

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The women of 'Duck Dynasty' on the men behind the beards


Mark Levin Hammers Obama's 'Castro'-Like ObamaCare Presser


BREAKING REPORT: CIA info contradicted protest story in Benghazi attack

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Fallon Mocks ObamaCare Victory Lap


Couple lives the high life on food stamps (Your tax dollars at work!)


Senator Ted Cruz Seeks to Block Terrorists From Serving as UN Ambassadors in New York City

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President Obama Obama mocks Conservatives: "There are still no death panels; Armageddon has not arrived"

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Does anyone in Washington DC tell the truth?

It seems that politicians and federal officials are permitted to lie to the American people if it advances the cause of the government or their career aspirations.

North Korea-Not Your Father's Battlefield Anymore

FSM EXCLUSIVE: As North Korea attempted to trigger an international incident by firing 500 artillery rounds into the Yellow Sea-of which about 100 crossed over into South Korean... Incidents such as this support the U.S. effort to supply the South with some very advanced weapons armament.

Hollywood: Sharia-Compliant

Hollywood is helping the Muslim Brotherhood and its sister organizations sabotage America with its own "miserable hands" by conforming to Sharia law.

Islamic Zones in America

To understand what can and is happening here in the US we are well advised to look at what has happened in countries such as France and England.

Feds Missed Chances to Stop Boston Marathon Bomber

U.S. Homeland Security officials missed a number of opportunities to stop the Chechen terrorist who carried out the Boston Marathon bombings...

Pelosi's Archbishop: Catholics ‘Dissenting From Defined Church Teaching' Mustn't Take Communion

On March 27, Pelosi was honored by Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the United States, with the Margaret Sanger Award, an honor named for a woman who advocated eugenics and described too many children as "human weeds."

he Way to Peace: EMET vs. J Street

Some policymakers "shape policy while intoxicated" when it comes to the Middle East, former Israeli Ambassador Yoram Ettinger recently observed at a Capitol Hill briefing.

BREAKING: 8 Wounded, 4 Critically in Fort Hood Shooting; Gunman Dead

A military official confirmed the shooter, a soldier identified as Ivan Lopez, shot himself dead at the base. It is not clear if he is one of the reported deaths.

British Prime Minister orders investigation of Muslim Brotherhood

"Given the concerns now being expressed about the group and its alleged links to violent extremism, it's absolutely right and prudent that we get a better handle of what the Brotherhood stands for, how they intend to achieve their aims and what that means for Britain."


Teddy Roosevelt's Real Views on Immigration

I was on family Spring Break in Texas when I heard of VP Biden quoting Teddy Roosevelt in support of amnesty for illegal immigrants. This was not a gaffe, it was an outright lie. I knew as soon as I got back home I would want to write an expose on what TR really felt about immigration policy. The resulting article is attached.

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