Sunday, June 15, 2014


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“To be persuasive, we must be believable.
To be believable, we must be credible.
To be credible, we must be truthful.”

A Non-Debating Society
That's the very definition of a heckler's veto. It means that any belligerent Muslim merely has to say "If this event proceeds, we'll go bananas" to get it closed down. Many persons of a moderate and temperate disposition seem to regard Pamela Geller as beyond the pale - my old National Post colleague Jonathan Kay can get awfully sniffy about her - and that's fine as long as it remains metaphorical. When you place her literally beyond the pale, as the wretched Theresa May has done, you are engaging in an act of vandalism against one of the pillars of a free society.
New Evidence Reveals Obama And Hillary Found Conspiring To End Criticism Of Islam In America

Evidence reveals that when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, she conspired with President Barack Obama to snuff out criticism of Islam with a contrived and diabolical assault on the first amendment. Counter to their claims, they absolutely did have something to do with the creation of the anti-Muhammad video they attempted to blame for the Benghazi attacks.
Curiously unprompted, Obama and Hillary so vehemently insisted they had “nothing to do with” the anti-Muhammad video. As it turns out, the opposite is true. They did play a role.

New York Times Censors Ad Decrying Islamist Censorship

The New York Times has become complicit in a stealth jihad against free speech in the United States undertaken by Islamists and their sympathizers who masquerade as "civil rights" groups. The censorship of free speech by Islamist groups and their media apologists continues to prevent America from addressing the core threat of radical Islam. Recognizing reality is not an attack on Islam or Muslims. Those who say otherwise are the ones of whom we — and, particularly, those in the media such as the NYT — should be wary.

Criticizing Islam Becomes "Incitement to Imminent Violence"

You could say it is a new form of Islamic honor crime: the silencing of those who dare besmirch the honor of Islam or its prophet, except the suppression now doesn't come from Muslims only. These days, it's the work of secular groups and governments: theaters in Germany, prominent publishers in England and the USA, of public prosecutors in the Netherlands, and most recently, of the Spanish Supreme court. But nearly anything can be called "incitement to imminent violence," just as a woman walking the street without covering herself ankle to brow in a niqab could be called an "incitement to imminent rape." Who decides what "incitement" and "imminent" are? Should we now arrest all non-veiled women in the West? Has Spain become another Sharia state? Has UN Resolution 16/18 marked the end of freedom as we know it in the West?

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Former Laval University Imam Hamza Chaoui condemns World Soccer Cup as part of Jewish plan of world domination

Hamza Chaoui is very prolific on the internet and preaches in many mosques throughout the province of Quebec. In his May 14, 2013 radio show, Dominic Maurais presented excerpts of a speech given by Hamza Chaoui in which the imam advocates for the stoning and the whipping of those who do not comply with sharia law. On June 10, 2014, the Islamist preacher Hamza Chaoui published a text on his Facebook page condemning the World Soccer Cup. He presented the soccer championship as a stratagem conceived to distract non-Jews from a Jewish plan of world domination. He quoted from a French version of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion to justify his position:

Shiek issues “Fatwa” against soccer!
The anticipation is building among fans of the world’s most popular sport as the World Cup opens this week in Brazil. A senior Saudi sheik, however, has made it clear that any enthusiasm for the game expressed by Muslims is a moral, social and public abomination. He also said that it was a part of a Jewish conspiracy against the Muslims, aimed at distancing them from Allah, corrupting their morals and causing them to waste their time. MEMRI noted that other Saudi clerics have said soccer violates Shariah, the Islamic religious law.
Muslims Must Rise Up to Fix Sharia Laws
If Muslims really believe in Islam and have full confidence in their religion, they must be willing to meet all the challenges truthfully and honestly, and own up to their problems. All of these cases of apostasy, blasphemy and slavery very well illustrate the deep problems with the Islamic laws as they developed, solidified and achieved consensus, primarily during the medieval age. It is now high time that  each and every Muslim stand up and speak up to reform sharia laws, else it is likely that many Muslims in the future generations are going to get disillusioned and apostatize en masse, as it happened before in one place history.
In Sweden and the West, What Message Are We Muslims Sending?
If secular Western countries are evil and immoral in the view of some Muslims, why don't those who feel that way leave and relocate in Islamist states such as Iran and Afghanistan? Where is our Islamic rage against these lunatics? Our silence means that we agree to what the fundamentalists do and say. Can we than blame some Westerns for fearing us when we respond with hostility to their welcoming and generosity? I would love to think that the Islamist fundamentalists in the West do not represent the majority of Muslims. But if that is so, where is our Islamic rage against these lunatics? Why are we Muslims in the West silent about those fundamentalists who want to Islamize and terrorize the countries we live in?

CIA Director Accused of Converting to Islam pushed for release of Taliban Commanders

Earlier this year, relayed and analyzed the findings of Seymour Hersh and discovered that Brennan’s successor – David Petraeus – was in charge of a weapons trafficking operation run out of Benghazi that was designed to ship weapons to Syrian rebels. The country of Qatar funded this operation in conjunction with Turkey and Saudi Arabia. It’s rather obvious that the agenda of funding the rebels has remained in place. As such, Brennan is clearly interested in aiding in the effort

Enemy Action?

The recent exchange of the dubious Bowe Bergdahl, an undoubted deserter from his unit in Afghanistan and a possible jihadi, for five battle-hardened and inarguably recidivist Taliban insurgents without consulting Congress, thus breaking a law signed by the president himself, is further indication that Obama does not have America’s interests at heart. Indeed, respectable commentators like Daniel Greenfield and Richard Fernandez suspect that Obama’s real purpose was not to free Bergdahl but to spring the terrorists.

The Progressive Gitmo Myth
Conditions for the prisoners at Gitmo far outstrip those in most prisons, including in the United States. Jihadists involved in planning, aiding, and participating in the murders of Americans can play sports, work out on gym equipment, hang out with their comrades, learn English, take art lessons, peruse a library of 14,000 Arab-language books, and view satellite television, including Al Jazeera. They get first-class health care and nutrition, and their food is prepared according to halal standards of ritual purity––all that good grub has led to the “Gitmo gut.” Islamic holidays are respected, Korans handled by guards with delicate care, magazines censored to remove images disturbing to pious Muslims, and arrows painted on the floors pointing to Mecca to guide the prisoners in their daily prayers. Rush Limbaugh is justified in calling Guantánamo “Club Gitmo.”

Glorious Days for Radical Islam

The American President has been played. Our enemies are filled with glee. Five terrorists are poolside in Qatar with pens and cell phones poised to craft future evils. And a Taliban-loving father of a Taliban-loving traitor has been welcomed with a hug to the White House. While Mullah Omar and his ilk ascribe this to the generosity of Allah, all that was really necessary for this entire parade of events was for America to grow weary of a war on terror and its President to pull the plug on it.

It Was Probably Never About Bergdahl

Obama obviously doesn't share the ordinary American's concern about jihadists, as he has bent over backward to close the prison facility at Guantanamo Bay, tried to sanitize the term "terrorism" from our vernacular and often pretended we are not in a war with Islamic jihadi. Obama has made clear that he believes that radical Muslims have legitimate grievances against the United States -- or, at the very least, that if we sweet-talk them, they will be less inclined to annihilate us.  Of all the disgraceful actions Obama has taken in his 5 1/2 years of passing scorched-earth policies against America as founded, he may have outdone himself on this one.

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Why Was the FBI Investigating Michael Hastings’ Reporting on Bowe Bergdahl?
Three years into the disappearance of Bowe Bergdahl in Afghanistan, Michael Hastings — the journalist whose reporting cost General Stanley McChrystal his job — wrote a Rolling Stone story on the missing soldier, a piece which the magazine called “the definitive first account of Bowe Bergdahl”. Michael and Matt both worked really, really hard on that story, and I know for a fact that they did it in a way that completely angered the US military and the US government, and while other reporters were steering away from it, they were totally on it. “The FBI was investigating this, whether they were investigating Michael or investigating the story, and there was a lot of fear around it, because they characterized the story as ‘controversial’ — whatever that means.” Michael Hastings, who died in a “mysterious” car accident in Los Angeles in June 2013, had unparalleled access for that story.
The enemy was never a few peasants in Afghanistan, beating their wives, growing their drug cash crops and murdering their daughters over a slight. They are bastards and they generally hate us, to the extent that they are aware of us, much as they hate their neighbors from a different ethnic group. To defeat the enemy, we have to defeat the enemy. And that means destroying his wealth, his backers, his intellectual leaders and the energy source that provides the momentum for the conflict. The Muslim world is not a single indivisible whole, but there are men with great wealth and power, operating out of the historical stomping grounds of Mohammed, who are trying to make it one. They are the enemy and if we do not destroy them, they may destroy us.
Why Benghazi Matters with Bill Whittle
On August 9th, 1974, Richard Nixon resigned as President of the United States to avoid impeachment, for his role in the cover-up of a petty burglary at the Watergate complex in which no one was killed or wounded. He was threatened with impeachment because he lied to the American people.
President Obama lied to the American people, and the World, for ten days after an event that cost four American lives, including that of the sitting Ambassador who repeatedly called for help, and those of the two men who ran toward, not away from, the sound of gunfire to protect their country and their people. This President lied to the American people, and so did his presumptive heir, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, who also lied to Congress. This matters. Benghazi matters. It shines a direct light and unflattering light on the competence and character of the President and the Secretary of State, and we, the American people have not only a right but an obligation to hold them accountable for their actions.


Judge Jeanine Pirro
Judge Pirro calls for Obama’s impeachment – this time for the astonishing exchange of one U. S. deserter for 5 Taliban terrorists at Guantanamo Bay.  Obama didn’t “release” these murderers; he “unleashed” them.

What happened to the UN?
UN Watch’s 2014 battle to defend the founding principles of the United Nations from assault by dictatorships. UN Watch, led by Canadian Hillel Neuer, is the voice of truth at the UN.

Pat Condell tells the unvarnished truth 

Pakistani Canadian Imam import gets his clock cleaned

Ezra Levant takes on and devours Syed Soharwardy a Canadian double speak Imam.

Clare Lopez and Tom Trento on Barack, Bowe and  Bin Laden
This week's segment is entitled "Barack, Bowe, Bin Laden" focusing on the absolute national security debacle occurring in warp-speed at the White House. Our subject-matter expert is the indefatigable, Clare Lopez, Vice President of Research and Analysis at The Center for Security Policy.

our fallen RCMP officers:
Dave Ross
Douglas Larche
Fabrice Gevaudan

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Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada at the Regimental Funeral for Fallen RCMP Officers in Monction


The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.
This newsletter is not the official newsletter or communication of ACT! for America, Inc. This newsletter is independently operated by ACT! for Canada named on this communication. The statements, positions, opinions and views expressed in this website, whether written, audible, or video, are those of the individuals and organizations making them and do not necessarily represent the positions, views, and opinions of ACT! for America, Inc. or ACT! for Canada, its directors, officers, or agents.

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