Sunday, June 8, 2014

Psychology: Why do Muslims sometimes become more criminal when there are many together?

Psychology: Why do Muslims sometimes become more criminal when there are many together?

Jun 7, 2014 at 2:39pm Denmark, Eurabia 15 Comments

New research show that refugee boys have greater tendency to become criminal, if they live in an area with many other criminal foreigners.

The research is done by the Rockwool Fondens Forskningsenhed, and one of the researcher involved, professor Anna Piil Damm from Aarhus University, says:

“The results from the research raise the question, whether we should place children and youths from refugee families in municipalities with much youth crime.”

It is no secret that young people influence each other, but geographical proximity is still a surprisingly banal and one-dimensional explanation for such a complex human phenomenon. The question is, of course, why are refugees more criminal, and why do they influence each other in exactly this way? The researchers do not provide any answers concerning this. I am not a researcher, but I worked as a psychologist in a youth prison and I think that psychology – which, by the way, has much to offer concerning the debate on Islam – has more convincing answers. If one bases one’s conclusions on theories reducing human behaviour to a result of geography and the amount of money arriving in one’s account every month, one should move away from Marxist books and applications for funding and into the world, and meet the people that one is theorizing about: nothing influences emotions, behaviour and social competences more than upbringing and culture – including religion.
Before I go on, it is important to know that about seven out of 10 inmates in Danish youth prisons have a Muslim upbringing. You can count for yourself if you work there, or you can compare the share of immigrants in Danish youth prisons with criminals’ country of origin.

Religion and violence

When many people with the same cultural background live closely together, their cultural values increase in power. This is because the community helps the individual to hold onto his original culture and protects the culture against outside influence. In Muslim societies, the extreme social control, of course, also plays a role. This is e.g. why integration is more difficult or even impossible in areas where many immigrants with the same culture live, and why there are limits to how many immigrants from non-Western cultures that Western societies can integrate and absorb.

The sad thing about Muslim culture is that the more religious Muslims are, the more aggressive and violent they become. When many Muslims live closely together, the cultural and religious values increase in power, and therefore their violent, criminal behaviour also increases.

When Muslims become many…

Another factor is that Muslim culture is a culture of dominance. This is not always recognizable when it is in a weak position, but it becomes extremely aggressive when Muslims experience themselves as many and strong. It is not without reason that the multicultural Middle East is now monocultural, and this is also why one should never show kindness or willingness to compromise when in conflict with Muslims, as it will be considered a sign of weakness and thereby increase their aggression and fighting spirit. When you concentrate many persons with Islamic background in an area, their feeling of ability to set their own agenda increases, which in practise means implementation of the sharia, including the enmity against non-Islamic authorities and Muslims’ religious rights over non-Muslims, especially non-Muslim women. The extreme number of street robberies, rapes and increasingly violent attacks on secular police and fire services that we see all over Europe speaks for itself.

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