Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Ten Nigerian Generals Found Guilty of Aiding Boko Haram

Ten Nigerian Generals Found Guilty of Aiding Boko Haram

Here in the West, we're constantly told that groups like Boko Haram (whose full name is "The Congregation of the People of the Sunnah for Dawah and Jihad") have nothing to do with Islam. And yet we find high level military officials in Nigeria actively supporting the group. Why? Because Islam commands its adherents to establish Sharia, and Boko Haram is working to establish Sharia in Nigeria.

But if we keep telling ourselves that these groups have nothing to do with Islam, maybe the problem will go away by itself.
KADUNA, Nigeria (AP) — Ten generals and five other senior military officers were found guilty in courts-martial of providing arms and information to Boko Haram extremists, a leading Nigerian newspaper reported Tuesday.

The news follows months of allegations from politicians and soldiers who have told The Associated Press that some senior officers were helping the Islamic extremists and that some rank-and-file soldiers even fight alongside the insurgents and then return to army camps. They have said that information provided by army officers has helped insurgents in ambushing military convoys and in attacks on army barracks and outposts in their northeastern stronghold.

Leadership newspaper quoted one officer saying that four other officers, in addition to the 15, were found guilty of "being disloyal and for working for the members of the sect." (Source)

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