Iron Dome Cannot Stop These Missiles

Hamas has failed to achieve its goal primarily because of the incredible Iron Dome missile defense system that has kept civilian casualties to a minimum.
But there is no iron dome technology that can slow Hamas’ other long-range attacks—the unleashing of history’s oldest hate—anti-Semitism– on every continent.
There are precious few Jews left in the Arab and Muslim worlds. Most were driven out as a result of the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. Morocco, once home to a magnificent Jewish community and respected subculture, still has 3,000 Jews. Last week, a rabbi in Casablanca was severely beaten, his cries for help from passersby went unheeded.
Last Saturday, Frankfurt police’s contribution to keeping the peace was to allow a pro-Hamas speaker to climb on their police car and use its megaphone, so that he could whip the anti-Israel demonstrators into an ugly mob. They followed their Pied Pier atop the police car to his shouts in both Arabic and German “child murderer Israel” and “Allah Akbar!” In Berlin, protesters yelled “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the Gas Chambers.” The Imam in the German capital’s Al-Nur Mosque openly calls for genocide against the Jews. Those unable to attend personally can hear the inspirational rhetoric online.
In the U.K., here are but a few highlights of a growing anti-Semitic rap sheet:
A brick thrown through the window of a Belfast synagogue. “Baby murderers,” shouted at worshipers at Liverpool synagogue. A rabbi in North London verbally abused by youths. A Jewish woman walking with two small children is accosted by anti-Israel demonstrators who scream, ”Burn in hell.”
Five hundred protesters rallied in Antwerp, capital of Belgium’s Flemish region, where one speaker uses a loudspeaker to chant in Arabic, “slaughter the Jews.”
The situation in Paris was far more serious where a mini-pogrom took place over the weekend. There, thousands of mostly French Muslims—from groups with names such as Union Générale des Etudiants de Palestine-GUPS Paris, Mouvement des Jeunes Palestiniens-PYM France, Fatah France; Génération Palestine, Parti des Indigènes de la République, Campagne BDS France and Europalestine—marched toward the Bastille shouting “Allah Akbar” and “Death to the Jews” as well as “End the Occupation.”
Then at least 150 veered off toward the Don Isaac Abravanel Synagogue, where they used baseball bats and clubs broken off from outdoor restaurant furniture as well as axes and knives to besiege about the same number of Jewish worshipers who were attending a service in memory of Israel terror victims. All that prevented a 21st century Kristallnacht were five French gendarmes who ran interference long enough for reinforcements to arrive and prevent the destruction of the synagogue with the worshippers inside. Even so, with standing orders never to arrest protestors, these policemen acted more like refs trying to control a World Cup soccer match than vindicators of France’s honor against anti-Semitic thugs. Four Jews were injured, and Western Europe’s largest Jewish community left traumatized.
Pro-Hamas mobs also marched on the Synagogue de la Roquette in central Paris, where there was a gathering promoting Israeli-Palestinian peace as well as the synagogue at la rue des Tournelles. Incendiaries also firebombed the Synagogue of Aulnay sous Bois. And the media? Both French and western outlets preferred to emphasize that before the premeditated violent climax, the demonstration has been “generally peaceful.”
And it gets much worse. Political leaders like Green leader Pierre Minnaert, tweeted thus, “I don’t see how we can fight the anti-Semitism of kids from the suburbs when at the same time synagogues are backing Israel.” Many other French officials combined condemnations of the violence with neutrality about who is responsible for events in the Holy Land.
In South Africa, the ruling African National Congress (ANC) slandered Israel, alleging the Jewish state was running “outdoor death camps.” Not to be outdone, the social media manager of an ANC affiliate posted a Facebook message displaying a picture of Hitler and lauding his genocide against the Jews. The title read, “Yes man, you were right…”
Things are also heating up here in the USA. Anti-Israel activists feel, not shamed by their support of terrorists, but energized. There have already been over 50 anti-Israeli rallies with placards, chants, and speakers, denouncing Israelis as Nazis. At a pro-Israel rally in Los Angeles I attended, a Homeland Security Officer fired his weapon after a violent pro-Hamas supporter. Meanwhile, downtown Seattle erupted in a veritable hatefest with a blizzard of handwritten signs equating Jews-not only Israelis- with Nazis. In Boston, pro-Israel marchers were greeted with taunts of “Jesus-killers.”
We have been down this road before. Hamas decisively losing on the military battlefield, but succeeding in implanting hatred of Jews, far and wide. And they will continue to succeed in that arena so long as 22 French NGOs support the hate march in Paris that resulted in a near-pogrom at a synagogue; so long as mainline Church leaders remain mute over Islamist atrocities targeting Jews and Christians; so long as massive Hamas missiles targeting civilians are not denounced by human rights elites; so long as the U.N. fails to investigate Hamas for war crimes against Israelis and crimes against humanity against their own people; and so long as academics continue their intellectual gymnastics to cast victimizer as victim and victim as criminal.
As long as the world lets Hamas win this war, their hate, mayhem and murder will never end.
Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
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