Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Toronto Star actually thinks terrorist Omar Khadr should get the Order of Canada

This is not a joke.

The Toronto Star is actually suggesting that convicted terrorist Omar Khadr should get The Order of Canada.

MORE: Omar Khadr will now become "a propaganda tool to demoralize and demonize the West" -- with help from Canada's Media Party

We're not making this up! They actually made a video about this.

The Star doesn't mention Christopher Speer - the man Khadr killed.

Or Khadr's confession - a confession approved by his own lawyers!

MORE: What The Globe and Mail says about 'victim' Omar Khadr will leave you filled with rage

This is Canada's media party in a nutshell. Cheerleaders for a convicted terrorist and murderer.

They seek to normalize an anti-semitic Muslim Nazi.
JOIN for more news and commentary you won’t find anywhere else.

Who are Canada's radical Muslim leaders? FIND OUT and fight back at

READ The Enemy Within: Terror, Lies, and the Whitewashing of Omar Khadr, Ezra Levant's new book about domestic terrorism and radicalization.

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