Monday, June 1, 2015

United Church of Christ and The "Big Lie"

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United Church of Christ and The "Big Lie"

by Susan Warner  •  June 1, 2015 at 5:00 am
  • Sadly, the UCC delegates' choices regarding Israel will be based on documents, "proofs," and appeals built upon a foundation of lies, false choices and political fantasies that accuse Israel of being an "Apartheid State," and an "illegal occupier of Palestinian land."
  • "The Palestinian people [do] not exist... In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism." — PLO Executive Committee member Zahir Muhse'in, quoted in the Dutch newspaper Trouw.
  • The world is looking to the UCC to create peace, not to risk damaging its own image by perpetuating malicious falsehoods. So long as Christian organizations such as the UCC keep the fraudulent "Big Lie" alive, they will miss the opportunity to realize the very peace they envision.
Will the United Church of Christ, in its 2015 General Synod, vote to divest from Israel and declare that Israel's actions towards the Palestinians constitute "apartheid"? (Image source: UCC video screenshot)
In just a few weeks, on June 26-30, the opening gavel will sound on United Church of Christ (UCC) General Synod. Two of the many proposals this national Synod will entertain call on the church to divest from Israel, and one of them will propose declaring that Israel's actions towards the Palestinians constitute "apartheid."
The UCC, representing approximately 1.2 million members in 5,100 churches in the USA, is just one of the member churches of the World Council of Churches (WCC), which insists on making Israel the whipping boy of a misguided "peace and justice" agenda. In June, UCC member delegates will have an opportunity to determine the direction of their denomination.
Sadly, the UCC delegates' choices regarding Israel will be based on documents, "proofs" and appeals built upon a foundation of lies, false choices and political fantasies that accuse Israel of being an "Apartheid State" and an "illegal occupier of Palestinian land."

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