Monday, June 1, 2015

Video: Thailand’s Simmering Buddhist-Muslim Tensions

Video: Thailand’s Simmering Buddhist-Muslim Tensions

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Muslim terrorism is the foundation of Islam. So, is there any surprise that wherever there is a Muslim there is an expansion of terrorism.

In Thailand, Muslims forced their way into the country through the borders of Malaysia. They have made themselves “residents” and multiplied in the Thai south (dejavu Palestine). The Thai government has bent backwards for decades to try and appease and be friendly to the Muslims, assuming that by giving in to their demands they will stop their killing and barbarity. They gave them priority access to jobs, legal rights to higher salaries, access to education, housing but nothing helped. Not taking action in the early stages of the problem and forcing the Muslims out once and for all back to Malaysia has now escalated it into a full grown civil war between the Muslim infested Thai south and the Buddhist north. The Muslim aim in Thailand is the usual one we see all over the world.

What is really repugnant is the media’s constant prostitution for a good media story, sacrificing facts to delusion and sensations. The media is always trying to peddle Muslims as “victims” without making it clear to viewers that Muslims are not victims. They superimpose themselves onto other societies, not allowing the local people to live in peace or to be left in peace. In Thailand Muslims are beheading Buddhists in random, unprovoked attack with the same and constant message: convert to Islam or the attacks will increase. As soon as the victimized regions begin to take military action and fight back, the media is there to serve as a perfect propaganda tool to stand by terrorism, not to stand by humanity and what is true or right – meaning the right for the world to exist without being forced to put up with a Muslim presence, immigrants, attacks, threats and savagery.

Why is this “journalist” not interviewing the victims of Muslim hijra? She is focusing on the “poor” aggressors.

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