Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Outrage as migrants set to move into former care home – using taxpayers' cash

Outrage as migrants set to move into former care home – using taxpayers' cash

FURIOUS campaigners have slammed a decision to turn a former retirement home into a centre for asylum seekers – using taxpayers' cash.

Calais migrants


Up to 40 migrants are set to move into Ladesfield Care Home

Ladesfield Care Home was shut down in 2011 by Kent Council, which reportedly claimed it could not afford the £450,000 cost of restoration.

But up to 40 migrants aged between 16 and 18 are now set to move into the home after arriving in nearby Dover.

Nearly 500 furious residents have signed a petition against the refit, which was confirmed by council bosses last month.

Lynn Habgood, 55, said: "They couldn't find money for local old people who paid their taxes, but they can for these people.

"It will be 100ft from a nursery, primary school and Age UK centre and we know nothing about the people who'll be in there."
Care home

The care home was shut down in 2011

Peter Oakford of Kent Council defended the move, saying the council had a "duty of care" towards under-18s who arrive in Kent seeking asylum.

Last week it was revealed that the council cares for over 600 "unaccompanied minors" – up from about 240 last year – and faces a shortfall of £5.5million in care costs.

Oakford added: "These young people have often experienced traumatic journeys and have fled from extremely distressing situations and require our care and support."

Locals had hoped the site would be knocked down to expand the local primary school rather than house migrants.

Victoria Madden, who has two children at the school, said: "Nobody's spoken to us to allay our fears. We've just been told: 'It's happening, get used to it'.

"They're not even assessed until they get to Ladesfield. It's a holding facility – there's no risk assessments."
A spokesman for Kent Council insisted that the decision was a temporary measure and funding came from a "Government revenue stream".

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