Thursday, September 3, 2015

ISIS Burns Alive Four Alive Four Prisoners in Grisly Revenge Flick
issue 200
ISIS Burns Alive Four Prisoners in Grisly Revenge Flick
Four Shiite prisoners are suspended from a frame and burned alive in what is seen as a revenge video for the burning of an ISIS fighter by Shiites. More
Iran's chief of police shut stores and arrested their owners for the 'crime' of selling clothing with the offending designs.
Arrested for Selling Clothing with US, UK Flags

The radicalized Muslim convert attempted to carry out a suicide bombing attack on Wichita Continental Airport.
Would-Be Wichita Airport Bomber Sentenced to 20 Years

ISIS announced its latest attack on culture yesterday, claiming it had destroyed the 2,000 year old Temple of Bel in Palmyra, Syria. Satellite images confirm.
UN Satellite Images Show Destruction of Temple by ISIS

At 98%, Somalia has the highest rate of FGM in the world. We spoke to UNICEF's Somalia chief child protection officer about the fight against it.
Stopping FGM in Somalia, One Girl at a Time

Tehran’s chief of traffic police has issued orders to crack down on women drivers whose head scarfs are not up to the Islamic Republic’s standards.
'Poorly-Veiled' Iranian Women to Have Cars Impounded
Maajid Nawaz With Bill Maher & Richard Dawkins on Islamism
Co-founder and Executive Director of the Quilliam Foundation Maajid Nawaz discusses the difference between Islam and Islamism with Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins, describing how European fascism was bolted onto existing religious conservatism to form the supremacist doctrine of Islamism.
Thomas Friedman Calls Out Saudi Arabia Salafist-Wahhabism
"Nothing has been more corrosive to the stability and modernization of the Arab world, and the Muslim world at large, than the billions and billions of dollars the Saudis have invested since the 1970s into wiping out the pluralism of Islam — the Sufi, moderate Sunni and Shiite versions — and imposing in its place the puritanical, anti-modern, anti-women, anti-Western, anti-pluralistic Wahhabi Salafist brand of Islam promoted by the Saudi religious establishment."
- Thomas Friedland
New York Times Columnist
A proposed law in Quebec supported by Islamists makes criticism of Islam or Islamism an offesnse. What about their weekly prayers denigrating Jews, Christians and Hindus?
Islamists: Wanting to have their (Halal) Cake and Eat It Too
[Re: ISIS Tot Taught To Practice Killing By Beheading Teddy Bear]: Absolutely shocking and evil personified.
[Re: ISIS Burns Alive Four Prisoners in Grisly Revenge Flick]: Beheading a teddy bear and burning 4 Shiites, these barbarians must summarily be destroyed.
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