Sunday, October 18, 2015

But who are these people behind the Bendigo mosque?

Andrew Bolt

October 18 2015 (10:08am)

The fight over the Bendigo mosque is more complicated than the story usually presented in the media of anti-Islam bigots vs Muslims just wanting somewhere to pray.
Rebecca Weisser:
The proposal by Australian Islamic Mission to build a $3 million mosque in rural Bendigo has already attracted an unsavoury crowd of protesters.
But that may not be the worst of it. Some of the people associated with AIM are so extreme they have been denied visas to the US and the UK.
For AIM’s 2014 and 2015 conferences the leading speaker is Dr. Anas Al-Tikriti, founder of the Cordoba Foundation, UK.
In August 2009, the Cordoba Foundation sponsored an event with Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki, a senior recruiter for Al-Qaeda who was killed in a drone strike in 2011.
Al-Awlaki… preached to three of the 9/11 hijackers, corresponded with Nidal Malik Hasan before the Army psychiatrist went on a shooting rampage in Fort Hood, and was linked to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who tried to blow up a US airliner....
Another speaker at the AIM 2014 conference was Yvonne Ridley, an activist with the UK Respect party. Ridley called the Chechen architect of the Beslan school massacre “a martyr"…
In June 2010, Dr. Tareq Al-Suwaidan was the guest speaker at an AIM fundraising dinner… In May 2007, Al-Suwaidan was listed as a member of the US Muslim Brotherhood and an unindicted co-conspirator and/or joint venturer in a case between the US District Court, Dallas Division and the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF). In 2008, the founders of HLF were found guilty of channelling $12 million to Hamas in one of the largest terrorism financing cases in US history.
Last year Al-Suwaidan was banned from attending a Muslim Fair in Brussels after he said of Israel “… We hate them. They are our enemies. We should instil this in the souls of our children, until a new generation arises and wipes them off the face of the earth … each and every one of us, when leaving this hall, should be contemplating a plan how to wipe out Israel.”
The secretary of AIM Melbourne Dr. Seyed Sheriffdeen said AIM invited Al-Suwaidan to speak because he was popular but did not endorse his views “100 per cent. We cherry pick,” he explained…
There is nothing moderate however about the video AIM Victoria shared on its Facebook page, which shows a picture of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with the sound of a gunshot firing and a photo apparently of former Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak with a rifle sight over his face and the sound of a gun firing.
AIM Victoria’s Facebook page also shared a photo of the book Fiqh al-Zakah by Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, with the exhortation “Read to understand ...”
Qaradawi, an intellectual leader in the Muslim Brotherhood, ... has said of suicide bombing, “I consider this type of martyrdom operation as an evidence of God’s justice....”.
In 2009, Qaradawi said on Al Jazeera: “Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the Jews people who would punish them for their corruption ... The last punishment was carried out by Hitler ... Allah Willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers.”
And where does that $3 million come from?
Speaking of which:
Australian Islamic Mission is providing $3 million to build a mosque in [Bendigo]…
The mission says its goal is to present “the balanced message of Islam”, emphasising the values of “community, equality, justice, mercy, compassion and peace”.
However, many of its events are sponsored by Human Appeal International Australia, one of 36 organisations banned by the ­Israeli government since 2008 because it says the group channels funds to Hamas.
HAI Australia runs an emergency appeal to provide funds for fuel for hospitals in Gaza. Most hospitals in Gaza are run by Hamas. During the conflict ­between Hamas and Israel last year, The Washington Post reported that Hamas had its headquarters in the Al-Shifra hospital....
HAI’s Melbourne manager, Rabih Baytie, denied any link with Hamas, saying: “I have no ­information whatsoever about what they (the Israelis) are talking about.”
But in 2013, Samuel Westrop of the Gatestone Institute reported that HAI was one of several charities honoured in a Hamas ceremony in Gaza in 2011 and published a photo showing HAI’s logo at a Hamas event. Asked about that ceremony, Mr Baytie said: “It’s all false and nonsense.” He said the activities HAI funded in Gaza were “purely humanitarian and charity work. Nothing political.”
A spokesman for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said Hamas had been listed by the United Nations as a terror group since December 2001.... A 1996 CIA report said HAI was an Islamic charity used as a conduit to fund terrorism, and an FBI report in 2003 claimed there was a close relationship between HAI and Hamas.
More from Weisser as she hand outs the ”Don’t mention the mosque” awards. 

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