Thursday, October 22, 2015

Eye on Iran: Dems Press Kerry on Iran Missile Test

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The Hill: "Eleven Senate Democrats are pushing the Obama administration to respond to Iran's ballistic missile test, suggesting it could send a signal of how the White House would respond to any violations of the Iran nuclear agreement. The senators sent a letter Wednesday to Secretary of State John Kerry, saying they have 'profound concern' over the long-range missile test and suggesting the administration should consider taking action either alone or with other countries. 'We are concerned about the military significance of this test, which is part of a long-term Iranian program that seeks to improve the range and capabilities of its ballistic missiles,' the senators wrote. 'We are also convinced that the launch is an attempt to test the world's will to respond to Iranian violations of its international commitments.'  ... The Democratic senators, however, said the ability to enforce the nuclear deal 'must be fortified by a zero-tolerance policy to respond to violations of the agreement and of applicable UN resolutions.' 'There must be no ambiguity in our willingness to enforce Iran's obligations under UN resolutions and the JCPOA [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action],' they wrote. Wednesday's letter is the latest sign of growing concern from Congress over how the Obama administration will handle the missile test from Iran. On Monday, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) called on Kerry to tighten sanctions against Iran over the missile test and pushed the administration to support an extension of the Iran Sanctions Act, which is currently set to expire next year. Senators also sent separate letters to Kerry and President Obama last week wanting to know the administration's strategy and questioning whether a similar test in the future would impact the nuclear agreement. Wednesday's letter was signed by Democratic Sens. Michael Bennet (Colo.), Richard Blumenthal (Conn.), Cory Booker (N.J.), Ben Cardin (Md.), Christopher Coons (Del.), Ed Markey (Mass.), Chris Murphy (Conn.), Charles Schumer (N.Y.), Jeanne Shaheen (N.H.), Mark Warner (Va.) and Ron Wyden (Ore.)."

AP: "The United States, France, Britain and Germany asked the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday to investigate and take 'appropriate action' against Iran for conducting a ballistic missile test earlier this month, which they say violated U.N. sanctions. A report to the council committee monitoring sanctions against Iran from the four countries, which U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power raised at a council meeting, said the medium-range missile launched by Iran on Oct. 10 'is inherently capable of delivering a nuclear weapon.' It said the missile firing is 'a serious violation' of a Security Council resolution adopted on June 9, 2010 that bans Iran from undertaking 'any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using ballistic missile technology.' The launch was Iran's first missile test since the historic nuclear deal reached July 14 between Iran and six world powers - the U.S., France, Britain, Germany, Russia and China. While condemning the ballistic missile test, the United States has made clear that it is 'entirely separate' from the nuclear deal, which is aimed at preventing Iran from developing atomic weapons. Power called the launch 'provocative' and said she underscored to the council 'that the United States considers it to be a serious matter and undermines regional stability. 'We call on the (sanctions) committee, with the support of the independent U.N. panel of experts, to review this matter quickly and recommend appropriate action,' she said in a statement. Britain's U.N. Ambassador Matthew Rycroft said the action 'will depend on their technical experts' view of the launch.' 'It's clear in our view that is a violation of the relevant Security Council resolutions which remain in force after the Iran deal,' he said. Rycroft said everyone wants to see the Iran nuclear deal implemented 'properly and fairly and fully by all parties, but that includes ensuring that launches of ballistic missiles which are ... in clear violation of Security Council resolution have to be pursued.'"

NYT: "Iran's supreme leader on Wednesday publicly endorsed for the first time the July nuclear agreement between Iran and six world powers, state news agencies reported. But the provisional endorsement was accompanied by a warning that Tehran expected all sanctions to be lifted or it would walk away from the deal. The support of the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is the final step in an approval process involving the Supreme National Security Council, the Iranian Parliament and the Guardian Council. Iran can now begin carrying out the measures outlined in the agreement, including dismantling thousands of centrifuges used for enrichment and downsizing a heavy water plant so it can no longer produce plutonium. The endorsement was included in a letter addressed to President Hassan Rouhani that included accusations against the United States, Iran's longtime enemy, and pointed out several flaws in the deal, state television reported. Calling for close supervision of the application of the agreement, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Ayatollah Khamenei said the deal 'suffers from several ambiguities, and structural weaknesses.' He added that without close oversight, the deal would lead to 'great damage to the present and future' for Iran... While the agreement stipulates that sanctions imposed over Iran's nuclear work are to be lifted, older measures are to remain in place. A central issue is that the United States will continue to regard Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism because of its support for the Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah. That could potentially restrict payments between Iran and Europe, because many financial transactions pass through New York. Ayatollah Khamenei warned that any 'repetitive and self-made pretexts' of new sanctions, over human rights and terrorism charges, for instance, must be answered by the Iranian government's canceling the nuclear agreement."

Nuclear Program & Agreement

Reuters: "Iran's president on Thursday welcomed conditional approval of a nuclear agreement with six major powers by the country's top authority, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's state television reported. In a letter to Khamenei, President Hassan Rouhani said his government will fully implement the agreement while observing the leader's guidance and considerations. 'The Supreme National security Council will closely monitor the other party regarding fulfilling its commitments ... We will make appropriate decision for suitable reaction as well,' Rouhani said in his letter... Pragmatist Rouhani, whose 2013 election paved the way for Iran's diplomatic thaw with the West, said the agreement will help boost Iran's economy. 'The deal caused the collapse of the structure of sanctions that had put pressure on our dear nation and on our economy,' the letter read."

Tasnim (Iran): "Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Seyed Abbas Araqchi stressed that Supreme Leader's interpretation of the nuclear deal reached between Tehran and world powers is the final word for the Iranian administration.  Earlier on Wednesday, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei in a letter to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani highlighted nine main points that the administration will need to take note of regarding the course of implementing a final nuclear deal with six world powers. The second observation in the letter was the categorical rejection of imposition of any new sanctions against Iran, which the Leader described as a breach of the JCPOA in which case the Iranian administration would be obligated to stop implementing the deal. Araqchi, in a Wednesday night televised interview with the IRIB, stressed that the points mentioned by the Leader are certainly binding for the government. As Imam Khamenei put it, if new sanctions are imposed on the country even under such pretexts as human rights and terrorism, it would be a violation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the Iranian diplomat noted. Araqchi, who was a senior Iranian negotiator in the course of nuclear talks between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France, and Germany), further noted that Tehran's possible reaction to such breaches of the deal would be determined and pursued by a panel assigned by Supreme National Security Council (SNSC)."

JPost: "And the country must also prepare, he added, 'to reach 190,000 SWUs [separative work units]' in 15 years - a goal Khamenei had set out before the nuclear negotiations had begun in earnest. The nuclear deal allows for Iran to expand its nuclear program on an industrial- sized scale by 2030. Iran currently operates a model of centrifuge dubbed the IR-1- a 1970s-technology device that enriches uranium at a slow pace. According to Harvard University's Olli Heinonen, who once served as deputy director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, that model, at its best, reaches a capacity of 1 SWU per year. 'In my view, [Khamenei] maintains as his goal to have a 190000 SWU/year capacity,' Heinonen told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday. 'Thus you can also say that the goal could be 190,000 centrifuges.' 'However, the IR-1s are not reliable and old technology,' he added. 'This is why Iran is developing more advanced centrifuges. When the limitations of the JCPOA start to fade away after ten years, we will see other centrifuges than IR-1 emerging.'"

Politico: "Congressional Democrats celebrated the roll-out of the Iran nuclear deal at a private reception on Wednesday hosted by Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. The nonproliferation deal was officially adopted Sunday after a brutal congressional review earlier this year that saw Democrats narrowly push forward the agreement over the strong objections of Republicans. At the private reception, attended by White House Chief of Staff, Pelosi thanked the House Democrats who led the whip operation on the Iran deal, including Texas Rep. Lloyd Doggett, North Carolina Rep. David Price and Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky... Former ambassador Thomas Pickering, along with Reps. Gerry Connolly of Virginia, Peter Welch of Vermont, Debbie Dingell of Michigan, Jerry Nadler of New York and another two dozen lawmakers attended the event."

Sanctions Relief

FT: "With Iran's economy beset by plunging oil prices, international sanctions, anaemic growth and a banking sector saddled with high levels of non-performing loans, the central bank governor has plenty to worry about. But Valiollah Seif insists the eventual lifting of US and EU sanctions agreed as part of this summer's landmark nuclear deal with Iran will transform a country that has since 1979 been subjected to one form of US penalty or another. 'When the sanctions are lifted there will be a new condition created for Iran,' Mr Seif said in an interview with the Financial Times on the sidelines of an IMF meeting in Peru. Delegations of investors from Asia and Europe have in recent months begun arriving to do deals in a country previously considered out of bounds. Mr Seif says they have come with a 'new perspective and outlook' about the Islamic Republic and are 'asking many questions about the new conditions'. Much has been made of interest from international oil companies but other industries are also eyeing opportunities. Novo Nordisk, the Danish pharmaceuticals group, plans to build a €70m manufacturing facility in Iran and international banks have been testing the waters. Mr Seif is also keen to draw much-needed international investment into roads and other infrastructure."

BusinessKorea: "In preparation for the end of economic sanctions on Iran in the first half of next year, domestic firms are accelerating the local market invasion... Hyundai Engineering & Construction (E&C) has started its activities to win orders after reopening its office in Teheran this month. The company, which carried out the South Pars Gas Field development project in Iran in the past, closed down its subsidiary after the imposition of sanctions against the country. However, it has recently increased the workforce related to orders in Iran. An official from Hyundai E&C said, 'We are planning to send out more workers to Iran, including the regional director.' Also, Hyundai Engineering has recently established its branch office and sent its employees. Trading firms also got busy. They are expecting to see more business opportunities not only in trading raw materials, but also project organizing. GS Global, which closed down its local office in 2006, is currently going through the licensing procedure for branch establishment, and expecting to receive approval within the year. The company is aiming at the plant construction organizing business, along with its subsidiaries, GS Engineering & Construction and GS Entec. SK Networks, which used to trade raw materials in Iran, has also increased the number of workers at the branch office, while Daewoo International and LG International are strengthening the monitoring systems."

Reuters: "Russia considers providing a $5 billion loan to Iran for joint infrastructure projects, Moscow's energy ministry representative told Reuters on Wednesday. '(Russia) is considering the possibility (to provide the loan). Iran asked for it,' the representative, who asked not to be named, said. Russian Energy Minister, Alexander Novak, currently visiting Iran, said earlier on Wednesday that Russia and Iran had agreed to $40 billion in projects in the last two years."

Mehr (Iran): "Tehran and Paris oil and petrochemical deals have resumed officially. Following four years of gap, a new load of Iran's petrochemical products was exported to France. The National Iranian Petrochemical Company released a short report announcing that some of Imam Khomeini Port Petrochemical Complex's petrochemical and polymer products were, last month, sent to France as well as other EU member countries including Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands; however the national Iranian company has not provided the details."

Syria Conflict

NOW Lebanon: "Iran has attacked rebels in northwest Syria with explosive-laden unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that fly into their targets, according to rebels. A commander in the Islamist Ahrar al-Sham group told Al-Souria Net that 'kamikaze drones thought to be [of] Iranian [origin] were used [on Monday to strike] Syrian opposition military bases in rural Idlib, causing extensive material damage at the targeted location.' 'Five aircrafts loaded with explosives targeted an Ahrar al-Sham base in the town of Ma'ar Shimmareen [near] Idlib province's Ma'aret Nuaman,' Hassan Abu Hamid claimed... 'The destructive force of the plane was equal to the destructive force of an 82 mm mortar round, but had a higher fragmentation rate,' he explained... Iran's burgeoning UAV production program has given focus to developing 'suicide drones' capable of destroying targets."

Human Rights

ICHRI: "The CEO of the instant messaging service Telegram, Pavel Durov, announced in a tweet on October 20, 2015, that the Iranian government had asked the company to spy on its users in Iran. The development is a dramatic twist in a six-month struggle by Iranian authorities to monitor the popular mobile phone application in Iran. Durov tweeted that when the company declined to provide the Iranian government with backdoor access to user data in Iran, they blocked their services. 'Iranian ministry of ICT demanded that @telegram provided them with spying and censorship tools. We ignored the demand, they blocked us,' Durov tweeted. 'Iran's thirst to seize control over its citizens' private communications, spy on them, and use online content to identify and prosecute any individual who departs from the official line should raise a red flag for all potential investors in Iran,' said Hadi Ghaemi, executive director of the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran. 'No company should be expected to compromise the privacy and security of its users in such an unlawful way, and undermine their own reputational integrity in the process.'"

IranWire: "The Intelligence Ministry has banned at least 26 popular Iranian singers, including Shahram Shokoohi, Mohsen Yeganeh, Reza Sadeghi and Sirvan Khosravi, from performing in Iran after their music was broadcast by satellite networks abroad. But the list of affected artists could be higher still, according to an extensive report published by Etemad newspaper on October 19. According to the investigation, the music department at the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance sent a letter to a number of prominent Iranian artists informing them of the ban, and the head of the department confirmed the news. The latest reports say there are at least 26 Iranian musicians and singers who have received an official ban in connection with a range of crimes including, but not limited to, 'publishing music online,' 'publishing music on foreign networks,' including the Washington-based Radio Javan, and for 'inappropriate behavior' during concerts held outside of Iran. Although reports are yet to be confirmed, the list of banned artists is thought to also include traditional singers like Homayoon Shajarian and Hafez Nazeri, suggesting it is not only pop artists who are being targeted... Rouhani and Jannati's promises to lift bans on artists have not been fulfilled, and the latest developments do little to inspire confidence in the government when it comes to cultural matters... All of this would suggest that cultural censorship is very much ongoing, and in fact now goes much further than bans on pop music alone."

Domestic Politics

Al Arabiya: "In light of press reports that estimated the Iranian supreme leader's fortune at about ninety five billion dollars, the grandson of the former supreme leader Ali Khomeini criticized the fact that the corruption in his country has broken new records, despite the economic suffering of the Iranian people. Corruption in Iran is a major issue, revealing the tragedy of the Iranian people who are paying the price of slogans raised by figures of their regime, according to critics."

Foreign Affairs

AFP: "Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will visit Pope Francis on November 14, the Vatican announced Thursday in the latest sign of relatively warm relations between the Holy See and the Islamic Republic. Rouhani will call at the Vatican as part of an official trip to Italy, which has led European attempts to rebuild trade and investment ties with Tehran following the July nuclear deal. Pope Francis received the Iranian vice-president for family affairs Sahindokht Molaverdi in February and has been a prominent backer of the nuclear accord as a significant step towards stability in the region. The last Iranian president to visit the Vatican was Mohamed Khatami, who held talks with Jean-Paul II in 1999 and subsequently attended the Polish pope's funeral in 2005... Iran outlaws conversions to Christianity but the country's eastern Catholics remain free to exercise their religion."

Opinion & Analysis

Fred Fleitz in NRO: "Although Adoption Day was intended to be an indication that the Iran deal is progressing, it has been overshadowed by growing signs that Iran intends to ignore important aspects of the deal and that the Obama administration is planning to look the other way. President Obama refused to follow the Constitution and allow the Senate to ratify the JCPOA as a treaty. This was not the case for Iran's parliament. Although the agreement only required the Iranian parliament (the Majlis) to ratify the Additional Protocol to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (an agreement that in theory will give IAEA inspectors greater access to Iranian nuclear sites), Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei gave parliament the opportunity to ratify the entire JCPOA. According to Obama officials and most press reports, the Iranian parliament passed a bill endorsing the nuclear deal on October 13. These reports were wrong. The Majlis did not endorse the JCPOA. It approved its own amended version of the agreement that is drastically different, substantially limits Iran's cooperation, and demands additional concessions. These reports were wrong. The Majlis did not endorse the JCPOA. It approved its own amended version of the agreement that is drastically different, substantially limits Iran's cooperation, and demands additional concessions. The Iranian parliamentary bill that 'approved' the JCPOA reportedly is 1,000 pages long and has not yet been fully translated into English... The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) assessed in an October 13, 2015 report that the Iranian parliament ratified 'a nonexistent document,' not the JCPOA, because it called for sanctions against Iran to be cancelled and not to be reimposed. By contrast, the nuclear deal calls for sanctions to be suspended and to snap back in the event of Iranian noncompliance. MEMRI also reported text in the Iranian parliament bill calling on the government to handle the rapid expansion of the country's centrifuge program so that within two years, Iran's enriched-uranium output will reach 190,000 SWUs (separate work units). This would equal about 25 to 28 times the output of the 9,000 centrifuges Iran currently is operating and contradicts Tehran's JCPOA commitment to only operate 5,060 centrifuges for 10 years. According to press reports, Supreme Leader Khamenei issued a letter on October 21 'endorsing' the JCPOA that actually appears to endorse the Iranian parliament's bill. In the letter, Khamenei demanded that the U.S. and the EU agree in writing that sanctions 'are completely canceled' when Iran meets its obligations under the agreement. Khamenei also complained about 'ambiguities' in the JCPOA and said any new sanctions against Iran would be a violation of the agreement... Further alarming JCPOA critics, Obama officials are now playing down the importance of the IAEA PMD investigation and have said that the nuclear deal and sanctions relief will go forward regardless of its outcome. An October 19, 2015, Wall Street Journal article noted that Kerry and other U.S. officials had previously said sanctions would not be lifted unless Iran substantively cooperated with the PMD investigation. Meanwhile, as the JCPOA moves forward, Iranian behavior has grown worse in other ways. Iran reportedly has sent hundreds of troops and Hezbollah fighters to Syria over the past few weeks to prop up the Assad regime. On October 11, an Iranian court convicted Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian of espionage. Iran continues to imprison three other innocent Americans. So with Obama officials claiming this week that the JCPOA's Adoption Day indicated progress and the willingness of all parties to implement the agreement, the truth is that Iran is already violating it and has an entirely different view of the deal from what Obama's officials have claimed. I am sure Obama's officials are aware of this, but they are so desperate for the JCPOA to succeed that they are ignoring these violations and finding ways to explain them away, including by contradicting earlier claims that missile sanctions and the PMD issue were part of the nuclear deal. The amended version of the JCPOA passed by the Iranian parliament is a crucial part of this puzzle. At least one organization in Washington is working to translate this document. Congress must demand the U.S. Intelligence Community translate it ASAP and post online so Congress can consider further action on the nuclear deal."

Eye on Iran is a periodic news summary from United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) a program of the American Coalition Against Nuclear Iran, Inc., a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Eye on Iran is not intended as a comprehensive media clips summary but rather a selection of media elements with discreet analysis in a PDA friendly format. For more information please email

United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) is a non-partisan, broad-based coalition that is united in a commitment to prevent Iran from fulfilling its ambition to become a regional super-power possessing nuclear weapons.  UANI is an issue-based coalition in which each coalition member will have its own interests as well as the collective goal of advancing an Iran free of nuclear weapons.

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