Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Noose Grows Tighter, the Left's Denial Deepens by Phyllis Chesler

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The Noose Grows Tighter, the Left's Denial Deepens

by Phyllis Chesler
Israel National News
October 20, 2015

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Tomorrow, in Paris, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee will vote on whether Israel has "endangered" the "Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls."
Dread. I am feeling dread--but more than that, I am feeling both determined and furious. The noose grows tighter, the denial deepens. Arab Muslims are calling for "filthy" Jewish blood--and praising the "holy" blood of those Muslim martyrswilling to shed that blood via sword, cleaver, stone, knife, gun, bomb, or car-ramming attack.
The world says nothing and does nothing other than call for "restraint" on both sides. The world, itself addicted to Jewish blood and faraway drama, waits for the next inevitable outrage.
On September 30, 2015, the UN flew the flag of a country that has never existed--that of "Palestine"--a flag that signifies the Arab Muslim desire to "nuke" Israel as soon as it can.

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