Even more embarrassing, while sitting beside the US President, Trudeau was apologetic for Canada being an energy super power. Apparently under Harper, we simply didn't do enough to cripple our own economy.
He stood on the international stage and essentially said that under Stephen Harper, Canada was a bad country.
This is crazy. In regulation after regulation, Canada marched in lock step with the Americans but Harper refused to go further saying that to do so would put Canadian industries at a disadvantage to our competitors, including the Americans.
Obama acknowledged that the US is an energy superpower and said he wouldn't apologize for that, but Trudeau did apologize for Canada. He's ashamed of Canadian industry, ashamed it doesn’t fit his clean energy image.
Trudeau didn't stick up for Canada so perhaps at international summits Justin Trudeau should stick to what he seems to know best --- how to take selfies with his adoring audiences.
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