Saturday, January 2, 2016

David Miliband: US must not stop Syrian resettlement, would be threat to “global governance”

David Miliband: US must not stop Syrian resettlement, would be threat to “global governance”

Out of the mouth of a globalist of the first order!
Miliband and Clinton
Hillary thinks he is a “hottie.”
One of the main objectives of this new blog—American Resistance 2016—is to help make some of our enemies on the Left household names.

Pay attention to David Miliband who heads-up the financially largest US refugee resettlement agency.  He is the former British Foreign Secretary who came to New York in 2013 to take the reins of the International Rescue Committee.

The Clintons, George Soros, Samantha Power and others of the NO Borders Left were on hand to greet his arrival.   You know he is playing a huge role in seeding American towns with Muslim migrants as he was the first to call for the resettlement of 65,000 Syrian refugees before Obama leaves office (he has now upped his demand to 100,000 by the end of this year).

Here is a story you might have missed at The Guardian on Christmas day where he tells us what we expected—this is about global governance!

Former British foreign secretary David Miliband has urged the US and UK governments to resist closing their doors to Syrian refugees in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris and California, warning that to do so would have a serious “ripple effect” across Europe and the Middle East.
Miliband, who now heads the International Rescue Committee aid agency, told the Guardian that the increasingly hostile tone of the debate on the Syrian exodus in the two western countries posed a major threat to global governance.

Global governance! What about American sovereignty! What about your home town!
Continue reading here.  See our complete archive on Miliband at RRW by clicking here.  Be sure to see Miliband says we must “embrace political Islamism,” here.

Don’t rage against the refugees, rage against those using them as pawns as Miliband is doing.
Posts like this one will be tagged ‘Know the enemy.’  I can’t impress upon you enough the importance of making those, like Miliband (who want “global governance”) household names.  After all, it is Alinsky’s Rule 13 and the Left uses it all the time, you should too!

Remember when Rush said, “I hope he fails” as Obama came to power. Friends of Obama, including those so-called ‘conservative’ dinner partners (the “fan boys”), here, tried to use Rule 13 on Rush, but failed miserably.

It goes without saying those same “fan boys” are using Rule 13 on Trump, and if they succeed in wiping him out, they will turn their attention to Ted Cruz.

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