Saturday, January 2, 2016

Obama to Fight "Gun Violence" by Freeing Drug Dealers, Importing Terrorists and Gang Members

Obama to Fight "Gun Violence" by Freeing Drug Dealers, Importing Terrorists and Gang Members

And then he'll free more drug dealers and bring in more terrorists

Barack Obama is very concerned about gun violence.

That's why he voted against charging school shooters as adults back in Chicago and why Federal gun crime prosecutions have fallen to a new low under him. It's why his amnesty has driven hordes of gang members to America even while he continues freeing violent drug dealers from prison.
Like this guy.
A grand jury indicted him on multiple counts of selling crack and cocaine and for using guns as he dealt drugs from a mobile home in Airport Heights. The prosecution had a videotape of the man and fellow members of a largely Dominican gang attaching a crude silencer to a handgun, bags of the illicit drugs scattered on a nearby table.
Obama let him go. Because he's that concerned about gun violence.

Obama backs #BlackLivesMatter even though the movement is protecting the very criminals responsible for most of the gun violence in places like Chicago.

A breakdown of the Chicago killing fields shows that 83% of those murdered in Chicago in one year had criminal records. In Philly, it’s 75%. In Milwaukee it’s 77% percent. In New Orleans, it’s 64%. In Baltimore, it’s 91%. Many were felons who had served time. And as many as 80% of the homicides were gang related.

And then there are all the ISIS folks and other Muslim terrorists. Obama wants to bring tens of thousands of Syrian Muslims to America (not the Yazidis or Christians who are actually persecuted, he let in only 1 Syrian Yazidi) who poll as supporting ISIS by at least 13%. That's 1,300 ISIS supporters in every batch of 10,000 Syrian migrants.

But Obama is super-concerned about gun violence. That's why the Unilateral Ruler will issue a bunch of executive orders because he can't legally get these laws passed. And these laws will predictably end up hurting legal gun owners rather than the criminals he panders to.

Obama doesn't want to fight gun violence by fighting criminals. He wants to take away the civil rights of Americans instead. And then he'll free more drug dealers and bring in more terrorists.

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