Friday, March 25, 2016

Aftermath of Muslim Terror Attacks Always a "Difficult Time for Muslims"

Aftermath of Muslim Terror Attacks Always a "Difficult Time for Muslims"


I know it's always a difficult time for me, right after I punch someone in the face. And you know, it's really time we stopped dwelling on the privileged victims of the Brussels attacks and focused on the real victims. Muslims.
Cities across the USA are preparing for the next phase that inevitably follows a terror attack: anti-Muslim backlash.
Sure. We really need to stop wasting time protecting cities from Muslim terrorists and focus on protecting Muslim hurt feelings afterward. We should create a whole special department to manage this imaginary backlash which Muslims constantly whine about, but never actually materializes.
The aftermath of an attack “is always a difficult time for Muslims in the United States,” said Nabil Shaikh, a leader of the Muslim Students Association at Princeton University.
The MSA is an adjunct of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was the origin of ISIS. So I can only imagine how difficult it must be.
“On Princeton’s campus, students took to anonymous forums like Yik Yak to comment that there are Muslims at Princeton who are radical and would therefore condone yesterday’s attacks," Shaikh said. "These comments not only are appalling and inaccurate but also threaten the well-being of Muslim students.”
Meanwhile Muslim terrorism threatens the actual physical wellbeing of non-Muslims. But Muslim feelings matter more than Jewish, Christian, Atheist, Hindu, Buddhist, etc lives.
The day of the Brussels attack, Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz said that the U.S. needs to "empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized.” His comments struck an already raw nerve in Muslim communities throughout the U.S. although Donald Trump praised Cruz's idea.
President Obama called the approach "wrong and un-American."
I know whenever I want to know what's American or un-American, I turn to a radical leftist brought up among Muslims in Indonesia who hates America. Maybe you're different.
But maybe Obama is right. We should keep doing his type of "American" stuff like freeing Muslim terrorists and helping Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood take over countries. Not un-American stuff like fighting Muslim terrorism.
While brutal attacks on Muslims in the United States haven't been reported to the Council on American-Islamic Relations since the Brussels attack, bullying and hate speech are growing, said Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Washington-based civil-liberties group.
Hooper is the spokesman for CAIR, an unindicted terrorist coconspirator. He would like to fight bullying and hate speech and he would "like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future".
The national Council on American-Islamic Relations, founded in 1994, called for Cruz to retract his demand for law enforcement to secure Muslim neighborhoods.
Maybe first CAIR should retract its call for Muslims not to cooperate with the FBI?
“Mr. Cruz’s call for law enforcement to ‘patrol and secure’ neighborhoods in which American Muslim families live is not only unconstitutional, it is unbefitting anyone seeking our nation’s highest office and indicates that he lacks the temperament necessary for any president,” the national council’s executive director, Nihad Awad, said in a statement.
Nihad Awad has said, "I am in support of the Hamas movement."
Awad called Cruz’s plan fascist-like.
Hamas is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood which drew inspiration from the Koran and Nazi Germany.
Now let's talk about Muslim feelings some more.

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