Friday, March 25, 2016

Brussels devastation part of broader ISIS war against West

March 25, 2016

Featured Stories

Anger Over Belgium Will Cost Leaders at the Polls

by Pete Hoekstra  •  March 24, 2016  •  Newsmax FacebookTwitter
The European populace might finally hold its leaders accountable for their continued failure to react forcefully to the threats of radical Islam following the deadly attacks in Brussels.
Opponents of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's open borders policy already rebuked her with historic gains in recent elections, which might mark the beginning of a larger pattern.
The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) predicts that Europe will experience much more violence over the next 18 to 24 months, according to our extensive analysis of global Islamist terror trends.
Should it materialize, voters will revolt.
The IPT has identified three key trends that will reverberate through Europe:

The Terror Threat To Europe Is America's, Too

by Abigail R. Esman  •  March 25, 2016  •  Special to IPT News FacebookTwitter
Some weeks after the attacks of 9/11, a Dutch journalist spoke at a panel discussion in Amsterdam, describing his experience of the events. Faced with the task of writing up what had occurred in New York that day – the devastation, the terror, the unanswered questions that remained – he said he found himself completely overwhelmed. And then at a certain point, he recalled, clarity came. "I realized it was just about America," he said. "It had nothing to do with me."

Brothers, Prison, and the Reign of Terror

by Patrick Dunleavy  •  March 24, 2016  •  Special to IPT News FacebookTwitter
Tuesday's deadly, coordinated attacks on the Brussels airport and Metro line marked the third major terrorist attack to have rattled the Europe Union since the beginning of last year.
Each was carried out by terrorists sharing the radical Islamist ideology pushed by the Islamic State. And they may include some overlapping conspirators. But we now know that the attacks all featured brothers who had spent time in prisons.
Most of the estimated 30 deaths in Tuesday's bombings in Brussels, Belgium were caused by suicide bombings by brothers Brahim and Khalid el-Bakraoui.

IPT's Pete Hoekstra discussing the terror attacks in Belgium

by Pete Hoekstra  •  March 22, 2016  •  Interview on WMAL - Mornings On The Mall FacebookTwitter

Europeans are frustrated with their leaders ignoring the threat from radical Islam, most notably by adopting an open door policy of accepting migrants from failed states with no ability to vet them.

IPT's Steven Emerson discussing the terror attacks in Belgium

by Steven Emerson  •  March 22, 2016  •  Interview on WMAL - Mornings On The Mall FacebookTwitter

The attack in Belgium was a shock, but not a surprise. The network of Islamists carrying Western passports in Brussels had been developing for years.

How Recent European Terror Wins Led to Abdeslam's Capture

by Abigail R. Esman  •  March 20, 2016  •  Special to IPT News FacebookTwitter
It took just over four months, but Belgian police on Friday tracked down an unexpected lead and captured Europe's most wanted terrorist: Saleh Abdeslam, the mastermind of the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris that killed 130 people and injured nearly 400.
Trapped in a standoff in the Brussels district of Molenbeek, Abdeslam reportedly was shot before being arrested. Police found his fingerprints in an apartment they had raided earlier in the week – a week in which counterterrorist forces across Europe scored a number of victories against the growing threat of Islamist terror.

Islamist Activist Asks Obama to Support Libyan AQ Group

by John Rossomando  •  March 18, 2016  •  IPT News FacebookTwitter
The revelation of his praise for Palestinians who chose "the jihad way" to liberation forced northern Virginia surgeon Esam Omeish to resign from a statewide immigration commission in 2007. But it hasn't stopped him from enjoying red carpet treatment from Obama administration officials.

Bassem Tamimi is Lying About his Visa Revocation

by Steven Emerson  •  March 17, 2016  •  IPT News FacebookTwitter
Last week, Palestinian activist Bassem Tamimi published a letter on his Facebook page showing that his visa to come to the United States was revoked on March 1.
In a story published Wednesday, the Palestine News Network (PNN) continued to push his claim that the U.S. action somehow was in retaliation for a civil lawsuit he and others filed against dozens of Israeli supporters and companies doing business there. "To stop our effort against the Israeli occupation, the American consulate revoked my Visa," Tamimi wrote March 8.

Featured Videos

Pete Hoekstra interviewed on Fox News Channel

Steve Emerson and Andy McCarthy on NewsmaxTV

Pete Hoekstra on BloombergTV discussing the terror attacks in Belgium

Pete Hoekstra on NewsmaxTV discussing the attacks in Brussels

Source: Secret meeting with White House led to Rice, Rhodes Benghazi testimony

Kerry declares ISIS committing genocide against Christians, others

The IPT Blog

·         Video Shows British ISIS Jihadis Celebrating the Attacks
Video obtained by the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) shows Islamic State (ISIS) jihadis in Raqqa celebrating the Brussels attacks and wishing for future ones in the United Kingdom. "In Belgium, Brussels Airport a big boom went off," a jihadi says. "Heathrow, Downing Street." Another jihadi is heard in the background, saying, "You're next!"
·         Questions Remain Over U.S. "Ransom Payment" to Iran
The Obama administration paid $1.7 billion to Iran following three years of secret negotiations involving "decades-old legal disputes," according to a State Department letter obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
·         Brussels Bombing Suspect Tied to Paris Plotter
Having identified the three men responsible for Tuesday's bombing at Brussels' Zaventem airport, police are now said to be closing in on the one surviving suspect, Najim Laachraoui. Laachraoui can be seen with Brahim El Bakraou and another bomber, in airport surveillance video taken shortly before the attacks. Bakraou's brother Khaled is believed to be the suicide bomber who blew up a Metro car shortly after the airport attack. But who is Najim Laachraoui?
·         ISIS Claims Credit for Belgium Attacks, Promises More Killing
The terrorists who detonated bombs inside Brussels' airport and on a Metro commuter train were "made strong and helped" by God, the Islamic State (ISIS) said in a statement claiming credit for the attacks.
·         Belgian Attacks Horrific, But Expected
As shocking as this morning's simultaneous terror attacks at Belgium's airport and in its Metro system may be, they show the disturbing depth of the terrorist infrastructure which was allowed to take root in the European Union capital's back yard.
·         Violence Breaks Out in Molenbeek After Paris Suspect's Arrest
The most wanted terrorist in Europe, considered a leader in November's multi-targeted attack in Paris that left 130 people dead, was arrested Friday by Belgian authorities.
·         International Federation of Journalists Defends Palestinian Violent Incitement
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) defended the right of a terrorist-affiliated Palestinian media outlet to incite murder against Israelis, according to Honest Reporting.
·         Kerry Bows to Congressional Pressure, Says ISIS Committing Genocide
Secretary of State John Kerry bowed to congressional pressure Thursday, declaring that the Islamic State is conducting genocide against Yazidis, Christians and Shiite Muslims.

Also In The News

Why Belgium is Ground Zero for European Jihadis

by Soeren Kern  •  March 23, 2016  •  Gatestone Institute FacebookTwitter
Several distinct but interconnected factors help explain why Brussels, the political capital of Europe, has emerged as the jihadist capital of Europe.

Belgium's Deadly Circles of Terror

by Sebastian Rotella  •  March 22, 2016  •  ProPublica FacebookTwitter
Coordinated bombings in Brussels may have been in the works for some time, aided by an underworld where crime and extremism blur together.

ISIS Knew Just Where to Hit These U.S. Marines

by Nancy A. Youssef  •  March 22, 2016  •  The Daily Beast FacebookTwitter
It was supposed to be a secret where these 200 Marines were headed. And yet the terrorists had them in their sights.

Islamic State uses 2 women in suicide attack at Nigerian mosque

by Bill Roggio and Caleb Weiss  •  March 16, 2016  •  The Long War Journal FacebookTwitter
The Islamic State West Africa (ISWA), formerly known as Boko Haram, has now used women in 105 suicide attacks in Nigeria and neighboring countries since June 2014, according to data compiled by The Long War Journal.

Ayanle Hassan Ali, accused of stabbing soldiers, described as 'nice' but troubled

March 15, 2016  •  CBC FacebookTwitter
Police allege Ali said, "Allah told me to do this, Allah told me to come here and kill people," during the rampage, and they say they are looking into the possibility that the violence was an act of terrorism.
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