Friday, March 25, 2016

ISIS is More of an Existential Threat Than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan

ISIS is More of an Existential Threat Than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan


Obama is smugly lecturing Americans that they need to stop being so "fearful" of terrorists because ISIS doesn't pose an "existential threat". This is the sort of talking point that corrupt corporations and failed governments develop to explain why people shouldn't be worried about the severe problems they created.

If we use "existential threat" as a metric, then no enemy we went to war with has been an "existential threat" to America since the Revolutionary War. Maybe the war of 1812 if you want to err on the side of caution. If we define "existential threat" as the ability to destroy America, Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany couldn't do that. Oh they might have become one eventually, but back when we fought them, they would not have been able to utterly conquer or destroy the United States. And this was exactly the argument that the anti-war camp made. Lindbergh gave speeches insisting that German warplanes couldn't reach America.

And so we didn't have to worry about it.

Really, the only enemy who posed an existential threat to America was the USSR which had the capability of potentially destroying America. So of course this real "existential threat" was also the enemy that the liberals pandered to ceaselessly. And still are. Obama paid a visit to Castro's Cuba, a regime that urged the USSR to detonate nuclear weapons in the United States.

So much for Obama's concern for "existential threats".

But ISIS potentially poses a bigger "existential threat" to America than Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan. Particularly if it gets its hands on WMDs. Or if we get a Merkel style flood of Muslim migrants into America. Picture America with a 10 percent Muslim population like France and the nightmare gets closer to becoming reality. You don't need to deal with the messy problems of invasion when you have millions already here. And this is an "existential threat" that Obama is creating.

ISIS would not ordinarily be an "existential threat". It's Muslim immigration that makes it one.

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