Wednesday, March 23, 2016

New CITIZENS FOR NATIONAL SECURITY Film Connects K-12 Textbooks To Terrorists

Citizens For National Security Measthead

P.O. Box 880302
Boca Raton, FL 33488
Dear Citizen:
At our most recent seminar this past Sunday in Boca Raton, Florida, Citizens For National Security (CFNS) screened our new film, “Textbooks and Terrorists,” for the very first time. Those attending gave it fabulous reviews.
This brief film shows how Islam-biased content in K-12 history and geography textbooks can indoctrinate and radicalize our children, causing some of them to become homegrown terrorists. It connects the dots between our country’s K-12 classrooms and acts of terrorism.
It is now available for all to see by clicking here.
CFNS is very proud of this film, given that it was totally an in-house CFNS undertaking - the script, the direction, and the talent (Dr. Gary Newman, a CFNS member). However, for this effort to be a complete success, we must get the film out to as many viewers nationwide as possible. We strongly encourage you to share it with your friends and contacts, and urge them to do the same. Just send them this YouTube link
and instruct them to click on it.
If you choose to forward this e-mail to them, that’s OK, too. But in that case, don’t forget to delete the word “Unsubscribe” at the very bottom of this e-mail. Otherwise, they – or someone they forward it to – may inadvertently or otherwise unsubscribe themselves, causing you to be unsubscribed, as well, and preventing you from receiving future info from us.
Yours for a terror-free and secure America,
Dr. William A. Saxton
Chairman, Citizens For National Security
Chairman, National Intelligence Conference
Consultant on National Security
Tel. 561-483-6430
FAX: 561-483-9698
E-mail: DrWASaxton@CFNS.US
Web site: www.CFNS.US

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