Saturday, March 5, 2016

You Are Ahead of Your Time

You Are Ahead of Your Time

Link to Citizen Warrior

Posted: 04 Mar 2016 08:22 PM PST
You try to tell your friends simple facts about Islam and they often reject it, argue with you, and judge you harshly. Is that because you are a bigot? A racist? A hater?

No. It's because you are ahead of your time.

Someday, because of what you do, those who come after you will understand what you now understand, and those who know you will realize you were one of the brave ones who helped expose Islam for what it is when it was an unpopular opinion.

I just finished watching the movie, Suffragette. It's about women in Britain, early in the 1900s, fighting for the right to vote. British women had been peacefully trying to get the vote for 50 years already. Everyone was against them and the goal seemed impossible. They got no coverage in the press. The idea that women should be able to vote was suppressed. The suffragette's voice and message was silenced, and no amount of effort seemed to make any headway.

And then some of them ran out of patience. They began to push harder for it. And their cause began to get some coverage in the newpapers, but as one woman said in the movie, "The press does nothing but scorn and mock us."

Does that sound familiar?

Women were fired for their participation in the movement — fired, blackballed, beaten, arrested, and even tortured (force fed by shoving a tube up their nose and down their throat to prevent their hunger strike from killing them).

But those few who were committed to the cause carried on, and more and more people joined them. Now it seems ridiculous that women weren't allowed to vote. It's hard to believe so many people — even including many women — were rigidly and adamantly against the idea.

If we stay strong and keep speaking up, the same will happen with us: More and more people will join us. And in the future it will seem ridiculous that anyone ever thought Islam was a religion of peace.

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