There is Nothing More Ramadan-y Than Murder
Learn the true lesson of Ramadan.
Muslims, we are told, are shocked and appalled by the Jihadist terror attacks during Ramadan. Ramadan, we are incessantly lectured, is a time of fasting and prayer. Not a time for murder.
Islamic violence during Ramadan is as shocking as rain falling on Seattle.
The Religion of Peace’s current Ramadan Bombathon score is up to 1723. Last year it approached 3,000. In 2014, it didn’t even hit 2,400. In 2013, it was a mere 1,651. So Islamic violence during Ramadan has clearly gotten worse, but when you’re massacring over a thousand people, doubling the total doesn’t count as shocking. It’s certainly appalling, but not to Muslims who worship Mohammed’s legacy.
And Mohammed slaughtered non-Muslims during Ramadan.
The practice to avoid fighting during Ramadan actually dates back to the pre-Islamic Arabs whom Mohammed either slaughtered or forced to convert. This practice may have been Christian in origin.
Ramadan is often viewed as a Muslim appropriation of Lent. The Truce and Peace of God was meant to restrain fighting during the season of Lent. While they postdate Mohammed, so does Islamic scripture.
Whatever the origin however, it was Muslims who exploited the sacred months of other religions to make war upon them. That is still how Ramadan continues to be practiced by Muslims.
Mohammed had a shortage of new ideas, but a great appetite for slaughter. The Battle of Badr began when a group of Mohammed’s caravan robbers attacked a non-Muslim caravan during the “sacred months” that his Muslim followers had appropriated.
By the time it ended, Ramadan had been covered in blood as, in much the same style as ISIS, Mohammed’s gang of Jihadists butchered and beheaded the men who fell into their hands.
Like most illiterates, Mohammed harbored a special hatred for poets and had one prisoner who had written poetry mocking him, beheaded. Typical scenes from the aftermath of the battle were of the same character that we have seen in ISIS videos.
"Then I cut off his head and brought it to the apostle saying, 'This is the head of the enemy of Allah, Abu Jahl.'… I threw his head before the apostle and he gave thanks to Allah."
The bodies of the dead killed during this “sacred” time were piled into a well and mocked by Mohammed. If massacring non-Muslims during Ramadan is radical or extremist behavior, then the founder of Islam was a radical extremist.
The Battle of Badr led to Mohammed’s ethnic cleansing of the Jews, a racist practice that manifests itself to this day with Muslim terrorist attacks against Israel. One of the pivotal Islamic wars during Ramadan was the Yom Kippur War which the Islamic armies, with typical contempt for non-Muslim holidays and veneration for their own, scheduled an attack for the holiest day in the Jewish calendar and which they named Operation Badr. They refer to the war as the Ramadan War.
The beginning of the Muslim conquest of Hispania began during Ramadan. The invading raiders were exhorted with promises of the “ravishingly beautiful Greek maidens” they would have. The latest Islamic violence is part of a theological tradition. It is not shocking to anyone familiar with the history of Islam.
That is why Muslim routinely spikes during Ramadan.
We are also told that Muslims are particularly appalled by the attack near the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina.
What sort of Muslims would target their own holy places? Well the Saudis for one.
Wahhabism made a special practice of destroying assorted Islamic shrines and burial places. It’s a practice that the Saudis continue to engage in to this day. When ISIS and other Al Qaeda spinoff groups target shrines, they’re following the practice of our moderate Saudi allies.
The Prophet’s Mosque had originally been targeted by the Wahhabis who seized its gold and jewelry.
They didn’t demolish it and the Saudis expanded it, but the attack plays off Islamic practices aggressively implemented by the Saudis. The Saudis aren’t the victims of the attack. They inspired it.
ISIS is following in the footsteps of Mohammed, but more directly it has been recreating some of the old atrocities of Wahhabism. It’s another case of the revolution devouring its own children.
The media breathlessly misrepresents Islamic violence as unprecedented, shocking and remarkable. It’s nothing of the kind. Ramadan massacres date back to the early days of the Islamic religion. ISIS and Al Qaeda did not invent a “month of conquest”. Islam did.
The Ramadan massacres, whether of a gay bar in Orlando or a bakery in Bangladesh where the Muslim terrorists separated Muslims from non-Muslims and made the staff prepare a meal so they could eat before the Ramadan fast, were not un-Islamic. They were classically Islam.
The simple truth about Islam is that it was born in sin. And it has never left it behind.
Islamic reforms only make it more violent. Wahhabism is a typical example of what reforming Islam to align with its original values results in. ISIS is an even better example.
Mohammed’s hypocritical Ramadan violence was justified as always by a convenient revelation from Allah, which conceded that fighting during the “sacred month” was a great sin, but not following Mohammed’s patron deity was an even greater sin.
Those Muslims who might entertain any doubts about going to war in the “sacred month” were told that, “Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.”
That motto still holds up today.
Islam is not just a religion of violence, but of expedience. Anything and everything can be justified by the need to achieve Islamic goals through violence. This mindset ends up killing quite a few Muslims, but that does not make it un-Islamic. Rather it’s the violence inherent in Islam’s worship of force.
Every teaching, value and practice appropriated by Islam, including elementary moral codes, is expendable when it comes to the opportunity to kill non-Muslims and achieve the triumph of Islam.
Ramadan violence today has its origins in Mohammed’s embrace of expedient violence. His followers today, whether in ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Boko Haram or any one of a legion of Islamic terror groups will commit any atrocity, breaks oaths and violate the supposed standards of Islam to win.
And yet one cannot call this un-Islamic because these are the values of the Koran, Mohammed and Islam.
Islam contains both exceptional and unexceptional content. The unexceptional content is borrowed from Judaism and Christianity, from assorted pre-Islamic religions and practices in the region. These are the values and ideas often described as “Islamic” by media apologists. But unexceptional Islamic content is widespread. Its use by Islam makes it appear to be like every other religion.
Islam’s exceptional content is simpler and purer. Its fundamental mission is the expansion of Islam. It is exceptional not in its sophistication or complexity, but in its utter amorality. Mohammed’s embrace of violence during the “sacred month” is an example of how Islam’s violent exceptionalism trumps its unexceptional borrowed content.
Islam will preach charity, love and brotherhood. And then it will toss them all overboard in an instant when there is something strategic to be gained.
That is the true lesson of Ramadan.
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