Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Turkey Sets Ultimatum for EU Migrant Deal

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Turkey Sets Ultimatum for EU Migrant Deal
"Erdoğan is openly pursuing the Islamization of Europe"

by Soeren Kern  •  August 2, 2016 at 6:30 am
  • Turkey has threatened to back out of an agreement to stem the flow of migrants to the European Union if Turkish nationals are not granted visa-free travel to the bloc by October.
  • Europe is trapped in a no-win situation. European officials say that although Turkey has fulfilled most of their conditions, it has failed to relax its stringent anti-terrorism laws, which are being used to silence critics of President Erdoğan, especially since Turkey's failed coup on July 15.
  • The German newspaper Bild recently reported a confidential plan to house all migrants arriving from Turkey on Greek islands. Public transportation between those islands and the Greek mainland would be cut off to prevent migrants from moving into other parts of the EU.
  • "No matter how uncouth, how merciless, how unscrupulous Western countries act, they have no chance of keeping the migration flows under control." — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, quoted by German journalist Wolfram Weimer.
Thousands of newly arrived migrants, the vast majority of whom are men, crowd the platforms at Vienna West Railway Station on August 15, 2015 -- a common scene in the summer and fall of 2015. (Image source: Bwag/Wikimedia Commons)
Turkey has threatened to back out of an agreement to stem the flow of migrants to the European Union if Turkish nationals are not granted visa-free travel to the bloc by October.
Although Turkish officials have repeatedly threatened to renege on the March 18 EU-Turkey deal, this is the first time they have set a deadline.
If the EU approves the visa waiver, tens of millions of Turks will gain immediate and unimpeded access to 26 European countries. If the EU rejects the visa waiver, and Turkey retaliates by reopening the migration floodgates, potentially millions of migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East could begin flowing into Greece this fall. Europe is trapped in a no-win situation.
The migration deal, which entered into force on June 1, was hastily negotiated by European leaders desperate to gain control over a crisis in which more than one million migrants poured into Europe in 2015.

Kashmir: New Islamic State Backed by New York Times, BBC

by Vijeta Uniyal  •  August 2, 2016 at 6:00 am
  • Jihadis, trained and armed by Pakistan, are purging Kashmir of its native Hindu and Sikh population, and waging a terrorist campaign to carve out a separate Islamic country in that part of India.
  • What the New York Times did not say is that these "boys with guns" are members of Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, a group designated as a terrorist organisation by both the European Union and the United States.
  • After being at the forefront of gun control campaigns in the U.S. for decades, the New York Times finally supports "open carry" -- but only for terrorists waging jihad against "infidels."
  • India is not "occupying" Kashmir, which is already part of India. India is waging a war against Islamic terrorism, which has claimed the lives of more than 4,800 Indian civilians and more than 2,400 Indian security personnel.
Left: Indian soldiers carry the coffin of Indian Army Colonel M N Rai, who was killed in January 2015 by terrorists in Kashmir. Right: Masked Islamist radicals in Kashmir display a version of the black flag of jihad.
Indian security forces are again waging pitched battles with violent Islamists on the streets of the Muslim-majority province of Kashmir. Mobs began congregating in towns on July 9, after the customary Friday prayers, to protest the killing the previous day by Indian security forces of a prominent Islamic terrorist, Burhan Wani. The protestors waved black ISIS flags and pelted stones at riot police. The riots have so far claimed 49 lives, including 2 policemen.
The mainstream media in the West have been quick to point the finger of blame on India for using -- as BBC puts it -- "excessive force." "Allegations that the forces are trigger happy in the region have been a common criticism for years," the BBC said. The mainstream media, however, did not take into account that more than 1,500 members of the Indian police and army were injured by the mobs.

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