Sunday, January 22, 2017

Speech by Geert Wilders at the "Europe of Nations and Freedom" Conference

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Speech by Geert Wilders at the "Europe of Nations and Freedom" Conference

by Geert Wilders  •  January 22, 2017 at 11:00 am
Hello Germany. Is everything alright? I'm doing well.
Yesterday a new America, today Koblenz and tomorrow a new Europe!
It's really a great honor for me to be here today in the beautiful city of Koblenz, at a meeting of the ENF Group, in the presence of so many German patriots.
And what you stand for is extremely important. Not only for Germany, but for all of Europe.
Europe needs a strong Germany, a self-conscious Germany, a proud Germany, a Germany that stands for its culture, identity and civilization.
Europe needs Frauke [Petry], instead of Angela [Merkel]!
My friends, that is why Germany is so great. Why you are great. Because you do your duty. And the Alternative for Germany (AfD), and my friend Frauke Petry, and all of you here, stand against the new totalitarianism that threatens us today.

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