Featured Stories
by Jeff Robbins •
August 21, 2018 • Boston Herald
Steve Emerson
might have had himself a lucrative career in law, or business, or
investment banking, like so many of his fellow Ivy League graduates. He
might have lived a comfortable life, constructed around convention and
financial security.
He didn't go in
that direction. He left Brown University in the late 70s and headed for
Washington, DC, armed with edgy skepticism of authority and a desire to
make a difference. He has made a big one.
by Abigail R.
Esman • August 30, 2018 • Special to IPT News
Anat Berko began
her career researching the phenomenon of suicide terrorism while still
fulfilling her military career in Israel – a career that saw her rise to
the rank of lieutenant colonel. The daughter of Iraqi Jews who escaped to
Israel as refugees, she since has become one of the foremost experts on
the subject, advising NATO, the U.S. State Department, the FBI, Israel's
National Security Council, and others. As a result of her remarkable
work, including courageous interviews with would-be terrorists and women
who have aided suicide bombers, President Benjamin Netanyahu invited her
to run on Likkud's ticket. She was elected to the Knesset in 2015.
30, 2018 • IPT News  
was Muneira, who planned to blow herself up at a hospital near Tel Aviv.
There was Jemilla, who escorted a young boy to his suicide bombing at a
market; he was excited he soon would be meeting girls in Paradise. And
there was Sabiha, who prepared explosives and trained other women to do
the same.
courage and compassion, Anat Berko, a criminologist and member of the
Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee of Israel's Knesset, interviewed
them all.
by Yaakov Lappin •
August 31, 2018 • Special to IPT News
As Fatah party
contenders who hope to succeed Palestinian Authority (PA) President
Mahmoud Abbas reportedly arm themselves ahead of a looming power
struggle, Fatah's arch rival, Hamas, is making its own preparations to
dominate the West Bank.
Abha Shankar • August 24, 2018 • IPT News  
the United States ramps up its sanctions campaign against the Islamic
Republic of Iran to pressure it to stop its regional aggression and
support for global terrorism, its North American supporters are
aggressively pushing
a pro-regime propaganda.
August 21, 2018 •
IPT News  
Arabic-language newspaper has featured an article blatantly glorifying
terrorism by honoring Palestinian mothers who "sacrificed"
their children as "martyrs" and suicide bombers.
by Scott Newark • August 17,
2018 • Special to IPT News  
been more than three weeks since the murderous shooting attack on
Toronto's Danforth Avenue, which is a famous outdoor dining location that
is also home to the city's Greek community. Canadians were understandably
horrified when they saw video images of 29-year-old Faisal Hussain
casually walking down the street and opening fire on people who were
doing nothing more than enjoying themselves on a Sunday evening. The
shooting continued as Hussain crisscrossed the street firing dozens of
shots from a handgun, which he repeatedly reloaded.
by Steven Emerson • August 15,
2018 • IPT News  
many years now, the New York Times has sanitized radical Islamic
groups, militant Islamic leaders and even Islamic terrorist attacks. The
paper has does this by deliberately omitting critical details that would
discredit Islamist groups. For example, the Times routinely
describes the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) as either
being a civil rights or a Muslim advocacy group. In reality, CAIR was
started as a front for Hamas and continues to serve as one. But over the
course of more than two decades, the Times has never reported on
any of the many government documents and official transcripts that prove
CAIR's role as a front group for Hamas.
Featured Videos
The IPT Blog
- Hamas Tweets Support for UK Opposition Leader
Hamas posted words of support Sunday for British Labour Party leader
Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn has been under fire for his shows of support
for Palestinian terrorist groups. "We Salute Jeremy Corbyn's
supportive positions to the Palestinians, but the issue of him as
prime minister is an internal British issue and we respect the
choice of the British people," Hamas said in a Twitter post.
Also in the News
August 23, 2018 • Times of
President Donald Trump's national security adviser, John Bolton, said
Thursday that the United States will cut funding for the UN Human Right
Council and for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, in
the administration's latest blow against the United Nations.
August 23, 2018 • Wall
Street Journal  
authorities took the rare step of challenging an Islamic State claim of
responsibility after a man stabbed his sister and mother to death on
Birney Bervar, one of Sgt. 1st Class
Ikaika Kang's attorneys, told the AP that Kang will plead guilty as
charged in the indictment, which accuses him of providing material aid to
terrorists. Kang is agreeing to a 25-year sentence for charges that could
have put him in prison for life, Bervar said.
August 23, 2018  
State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in his first purported speech in
nearly a year, has called on followers to fight on despite recent
defeats, according to an audio recording posted on the group's media
August 22, 2018 • Newsmax  
Hawaii-based Army soldier accused of attempting to support the Islamic
State group will plead guilty, his lawyers told The Associated Press on
Birney Bervar, one of Sgt. 1st
Class Ikaika Kang's attorneys, told the AP that Kang will plead guilty as
charged in the indictment, which accuses him of providing material aid to
terrorists. Kang is agreeing to a 25-year sentence for charges that could
have put him in prison for life, Bervar said.
August 21, 2018 • New York
Jakiw Palij and his wife moved into their two-story red-brick home just
off Northern Boulevard in Jackson Heights in 1966, he appeared to be like
any other middle-aged Queens immigrant.