Monday, August 20, 2018

Trudeau Is Laying The Groundwork To Criminalize His Political Opposition

Trudeau Is Laying The Groundwork To Criminalize His Political Opposition

If he thinks everyone who questions his failure to stop illegal border crossings is spreading ‘hate speech,’ and if ‘hate speech’ needs to be banned as Trudeau claims, what’s the logical endgame of the path Trudeau’s rhetoric is heading down?

In the past few days, we’ve seen Justin Trudeau demonize a women in Quebec for asking about his refusal to stop illegal border crossings, and then say that any questioning of illegal crossings equals “racism” and “hate speech.”

This is more than just reckless political rhetoric. It represents a national ‘leader’ laying the groundwork to criminalize his political opposition.

Let’s look at things logically for a moment.
– Justin Trudeau has repeatedly said that what he calls ‘hate speech’ has “no place in Canada.”
– He is now saying that those who oppose his lack of action on illegal border crossings are spreading “racism” and “hate speech.”
– He has said “fear,” which he accuses the Conservatives (his main political opposition) of spreading, is the biggest threat to Canada.
– Following this line of thinking, Justin Trudeau’s next step is to begin taking legislative action to ban ‘hate speech,’ and make the definition of hate speech so broad that Conservatism (and thus most opposition to him) falls within it.

Effectively, he would criminalize political opposition.

Considering Trudeau’s past comments about dictators, and considering the immense power that can be wielded by the Canadian government over Canadian citizens, this is not something to be taken lightly.

An analysis of both the content, and direction of Justin Trudeau’s rhetoric makes it clear that he and the Liberals are attempting to shift the government into a position where they can silence their political opponents through legislative means.

The loss of rights and freedoms once seen as set in stone is something that has happened all over the world throughout history, and there’s no reason to think Canada is immune from the potential loss of our freedom.

Thinking that “it can’t happen here” makes it far more likely that it will.

Spencer Fernando

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