Steven Emerson,
Executive Director
November 28, 2018
Story Prompts ZOA President to Demand CAIR Fire Ayloush
by IPT News • Nov 28, 2018 at
3:02 pm
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Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein is calling for the Council on American Islamic Relations
(CAIR) to fire Los Angeles chapter director Hussam Ayloush after he
advocated for the "termination"
of Israel.
"Iran's regime calling Israel a 'cancerous tumor' is like the pot
calling the kettle black. All the people of that region will be better off
once both murderous regimes are terminated," Ayloush tweeted Sunday.
The Investigative Project on Terrorism first reported on Ayloush's
statement. The ZOA statement cites Monday's IPT article, which also details Ayloush's record of
incitement. Klein also called for the Democratic Party to revoke Ayloush's
delegate credentials.
Based on his tweet, one might assume Ayloush has an equal disdain for
the Islamic Republic of Iran and Israel. However, Counter-Islamist Grid
Director Kyle Shideler points out that CAIR previously organized a dinner for
ex-Iranian president Mohammad Khatami. While Ayloush may now like to see
regime change in Iran, he has a long history of describing Israel in ways
that echo Iranian rhetoric calling for its destruction.
He has referred to Israelis as "zionazis" and
repeatedly equated the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) with ISIS
Alyoush's call for Israel's destruction is anti-Semitic, according to
the U.S. State Department's definition established in 2010.
Demonizing Israel by "[d]rawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli
policy to that of the Nazis" and "denying Israel the right to
exist" are among the behaviors which constitute anti-Semitism.
Now Ayloush is trying to equate Israel with the Islamic Republic of Iran
– the world's foremost state sponsor of terrorism worldwide which continues
to actively plot attacks throughout the West.
In light of this sentiment, the ZOA is urging "every Jewish and
civil rights organization and Rabbis, priests, Imams, politicians and
Democratic party officials to join ZOA in demanding Ayloush's termination
from his CAIR and Democratic Party posts."
"We specifically call on Minority leader Chuck Schumer, Cong. Nancy
Pelosi, Majority leader Mitch McConnell, and Cong. Paul Ryan to speak out
strongly and clearly. No more incitement to murdering Jews!", Klein
said in the ZOA statement.
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