It is much easier to label Trudeau as a liar with evil intentions. But like the child he appears to be, his words and actions can simply arise from a person who is not intelligent enough to do the job he has been elected to do
Justin Trudeau: Maybe he is just really, really stupid

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Most Canadians who do not spend their evenings drinking the Liberal Party Kool Aid do not like the way Justin Trudeau is running the country. They realize as leaders and politicians go, he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. But it is possible even these people are actually overestimating his intelligence. As far as his mental abilities are concerned, he is probably a lot worse than most of us think he is.
In a Toronto Sun column, Lorne Gunter wrote everything Trudeau does is done because he is “naïve.” The major problem with the columnist’s thinking is he is being too kind to the selfie-taking Sock Boy. As far as naiveté goes, Trudeau is looking at it in the rear view mirror. The reality is he is simply not bright enough to hold any job requiring more intelligence than his work experience before entering politics required; part time drama teacher, snowboard instructor and bouncer.
Trudeau is just so bereft of functioning brain cells, he is unable to appreciate the consequences of his words and actions
It could very well be many Canadians are overestimating the prime minister’s intelligence. This is opposite the way critics of other leaders have them figured out. Usually their political enemies underestimate the intelligence of these leaders. Jean Chrétien is a case in point. Love him or hate him, the former PM is an extremely bright man with exceptional political smarts. During his 40 years in politics he successfully conveyed his “little guy from Shawinigan” persona; an ordinary country bumpkin not as smart as the average Canadian.And then there is Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne. After raising the province’s minimum wage from $11.60 an hour to a whopping $14 per hour, it was said of the premier she does not understand how business works. Unlike the Right Honourable Prime Minister of Canada, she is perfectly capable of understanding basic economics. If costs rise, businesses will take steps to increase their revenues or decrease their costs. To say Wynne is incapable of understanding this is an insult to the premier which is unfortunate because there are so many better things to insult her for if someone has a mind to. The reality is she does understand the damage she is doing to the economy; she just doesn’t care. It is all about power and there are more Ontarians making minimum or near-minimum wages than there are people employing these workers. Higher wages, more votes. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely and the potential loss of power corrupts even more.
Trudeau on the other hand may not be evil and setting out to intentionally destroy Canada as Barack Obama did to the U.S. during his eight years as president. Trudeau is just so bereft of functioning brain cells, he is unable to appreciate the consequences of his words and actions.
Proof of his mental incompetency
As proof of his mental incompetency one only has to look at some of the things he has said over the years. “The budget will balance itself” and “We have to rethink elements as basic as time and space.” The first statement is ludicrous on its face and the second one makes no sense. If he misspoke while uttering these inanities he never told us. And if he was somehow trying to be funny he never told us that either. He lacks the minimal intelligence to realize a statement made by a prime minister is different than one made by an ordinary person in a bar. Words matter and it is scary to realize how mentally incompetent Canada’s PM is.As for his policies, there is a good chance he is not a Muslim nor a radical Islamist terrorist sympathizer many of his political enemies portray him to be. He is simply not smart enough to comprehend the danger of terrorism. He actually believes hardened terrorists who return to Canada can be rehabilitated and become model citizens if only they are given enough hugs. While he is capable of seeing what some of these terrorists do, he is mentally incapable of actually believing and appreciating such actions.
As regarding his $10.5 million payout of other peoples’ money to Omar Khadr he actually believes he had no choice but to pay it. He is unable to understand that while the Supreme Court of Canada ruled the little Terror Tyke’s rights had been violated, the matter should have been publicly tried. Trudeau was never “forced” to pay the $10.5 million although the prime minister cannot see the distinction.
Trudeau’s lack of grey matter will never be mentioned by Canada’s mainstream media
As for Trudeau’s trip to the Aga Khan’s island, it is likely he actually believes the Aga Khan is his “friend” even though he has not seen him since Papa Pierre’s funeral in 2000. The fact Canada has given money to the religious leader probably never crossed his underdeveloped mind.Of course Trudeau’s lack of grey matter will never be mentioned by Canada’s mainstream media. They are way too busy reporting how Donald Trump is psychiatrically unfit to be president and should be removed from office. And you will never hear the Official Opposition refer to Trudeau’s lack of intelligence. They will never talk that way about the most esteemed member of their elite club like that and besides a main goal of the CPC is to make nice with the media that hate them no matter what they do.
It is much easier to label Trudeau as a liar with evil intentions. But like the child he appears to be, his words and actions can simply arise from a person who is not intelligent enough to do the job he has been elected to do.
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