Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Fracturing of France

The Fracturing of France

by Giulio Meotti  •  November 24, 2018 at 5:00 am
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  • In a new program, Macron's government is offering Arabic lessons in France's public schools to children as young as six years old, purportedly to facilitate integration.
  • French authorities seem to ignore that the vast majority of terrorists from France have been French citizens, who spoke a perfect French and, unlike their parents, were born in France. They were perfectly "integrated". They rejected it.
Gérard Collomb (center), France's Interior Minister until last month and currently Mayor of Lyon, is apparently pessimistic about the situation in his country. "It's difficult to estimate but I would say that in five years the situation could become irreversible. Yes, we have five, six years to avoid the worst," he said recently. (Photo by Aurelien Meunier/Getty Images)
US President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron engaged in a public diplomatic clash just days before Trump visited France this month. The spat began when, in a radio interview, Macron suggested that Europe needed an army to protect itself from the US. "We have to protect ourselves with respect to China, Russia and even the United States of America," said Macron.
Protecting France from the United States? In a November 11 speech commemorating World War I, Macron in a diplomatic welcome to his guest, attacked "nationalism". President Trump had proudly called himself a "nationalist" less than three weeks before.
Macron, it seems, was using the armistice signed in 1918 to forget what is going on in France in 2018.


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