Saturday, August 8, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

Friday Afternoon Roundup - All the Thugs that are Fit to Beat

Posted: 07 Aug 2009 03:34 PM PDT

This week saw the
implosion of the Obama administration hit a new low, with the health care
town halls turning into a pitched battle between senior citizens
protesting Obamacare (routinely being described by the media as a violent
mob of racists controlled by the Republican party) and thugs from the SEIU
union, which has a massive stake in the Obama administration and at whose
meeting Obama talked about transitioning America to a single payer health
care system.

Throwing the SEIU thugs into the
fight is a desperation move, it's the mask coming off the blatant
thuggishness of the Obama administration, which when forced to choose
between its own big government agenda and the will of the public, chooses
to lie, rig the debate and beat the crap out of the public.

The SEIU, which is America's largest
health care union, is aiming at vertical integration within a government
run health care system. This will not particularly benefit its members,
but it will benefit its leadership, from Andy Stern on down.

SEIU is a corrupt organization that's little more than organized crime. It
preys on immigrants. Large portions of its "members" don't speak English
at all. The SEIU has grown by signing up anyone and everyone, by scraping
the bottom of the barrel, and
anyone in its way

The SEIU has a history of violence. Its
have been used to
intimidate and disrupt meetings
, so much so they were explicitly
condemned for it by AFL-CIO President John Sweeney.

John Sweeney,
president of the AFL-CIO said, "There is no justification - none - for the
violent attack orchestrated by SEIU at the Labor Notes conference in
Detroit. While there may well be multiple sides to any dispute, violence
in any form is reprehensible. Violence in attacking freedom of speech must
be strongly condemned. Any attempt to deny the right of free speech
threatens the foundation of our movement and the future of working

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses
Organizing Committee
called on SEIU
head Andy Stern
to "renounce the use of violence, end the lies, and
stop targeting women, nurses, and working people for threats and

That's the sort of intimidation machine,

Democratic congressmen
have brought in to control their Town
. Bringing in SEIU thugs is a sure recipe for violence, and
unsurprisingly the SEIU are doing in the Town Halls exactly what they did
at Labor Notes, hijacking rooms, physically shoving and assaulting anyone
who disagrees with them.

It is no surprise whatsoever that
the people who did this last year

A rent-a-mob of rowdy, punch-throwing demonstrators
burst into Labor Notes' biennial labor conference in Dearborn, Michigan,
last Saturday night. When it was over, the local cops had been called
in, one demonstrator had collapsed and died and SEIU's chieftain Andy
Stern had etched himself another benchmark for intolerance... Several
leaders of the pack wore purple bandanas to conceal their faces; others
started pushing, shoving, and throwing punches when their path was
blocked by the linked arms of a hastily assembled but experienced group
of Labor Notes marshals

A recently retired member of United Auto
Workers Local 235, Dianne Feeley, suffered a head wound after being
knocked to the ground by SEIU International staff and local members.
Other conference-goers--members of the Teamsters, UAW, UNITE HERE,
International Longshoremen's Association, and SEIU itself--were punched,
kicked, shoved, and pushed to the floor. Dearborn police responded and
evicted the three bus loads of SEIU International staff and members of
local and regional health care unions.

Are doing this, this year...

Kenneth was approached by an SEIU representative as
Kenneth was handing out “Don’t Tread on Me” flags to other
conservatives. The SEIU representative demanded to know why a black man
was handing out these flags. The SEIU member used a racial slur against
Kenneth, then punched him in the face. Kenneth fell to the ground.
Another SEIU member yelled racial epithets at Kenneth as he kicked him
in the head and back. Kenneth was also brutally attacked by one other
male SEIU member and an unidentified woman. The three men were clearly
SEIU members, as they were wearing T-shirts with the SEIU

Considering what the SEIU did to their own, it was dead
certain what they would do here. Combined with the Democratic party and
the media's shrill cries of racism and talk of mobs, which is best
characterized as incitement, sending out SEIU goons was done for one
reason and one reason alone, to physically intimidate dissenters on
ObamaCare, which by the latest polls are most Americans.

could have packed the Town Halls with supporters without resorting to SEIU
goons. He or his people chose the SEIU goon squads instead. That was
deliberate and it was meant to send a message. And it

Meanwhile speaking of failed Obama programs, Cash for Clunkers
gets new life, even though it has done nothing for the environment, even
for the mythical Carbon Global Warming crisis that will destroy the North
Pole in 5 seconds and force all the polar bears to learn to

The trade ins under Cash for Clunkers has favored Japanese
cars, not American cars, because the most traded in cars have been
American by a sizable majority, those sold meanwhile
only been 47 percent

Our bet is consumers are trading in their cars at the
same place, or from the same automaker, they purchased them from
originally. So under that litmus test, it may very well be that the Cash
For Clunkers plan could be eroding U.S. automaker ownership share — a
number that differs from overall market share but could reflect a trend
of buyers moving toward non-domestic automakers in their next auto
purchase, not their trade-in purchase.

Even among American cars, Ford has done better than the
Obama bailed out, GM and Chrysler, whom this program was created to
benefit. With no environmental value, Cash for Clunkers was a short term
auto purchasing stimulus program. Handled as stupidly as

Case in point the now infamous
of a Volvo's engine being destroyed
, by government mandate. Had Obama
really been interested in creating jobs, for anyone other than union
members, letting those cars be donated to people in need could have helped
them get jobs. Geographic location has been one reason for unemployment
for many. The inability to replace a car for some has meant an inability
to work. Instead the Obama administration has chosen to mandate the
destruction of the car's engines, even when they're in good shape, which
destroys even their salvage value. The Cash for Clunkers is nothing more
than government mandated waste of both taxpayer money and

Furthermore the entire list may be a scam, as the Obama White
House once again appears to have cooked the books,
only small vehicles to build their case
for the claim that Americans
only want small vehicles, something the media continues repeating ad

Compare their list to what Edmunds has as the most
bought vehicles.

1. Ford Escape
2. Ford Focus
3. Jeep
4. Dodge Caliber
5. Ford F-150
6. Honda Civic
Chevy Siverado
8. Chevy Cobalt
9. Toyota Corolla
10. Ford

Yup, folks still like their pickups and SUV's and I would
like to think that the presence of so many Ford vehicles on the list is
due to the fact that they didn't take any government, (taxpayer) money,
even though they still remain under the thumb of UAW, and Americans are
showing them a little love.

Meryl Yourish has more on the subject

Something and Half of Something meanwhile
shows us what even Europeans
do with small cars

While Obama
goes back to the Soviet era, Russia isn't waiting silently by. While
subs pass
only 200 miles from the Eastern Seaboard
, to serve as a warning to
America not to interfere, Russia is preparing for a larger push into

Russian propaganda against Georgia has hit a new pitch,
which usually indicates prep for an invasion. Meanwhile a
DOS attack has been executed against Twitter and Facebook
, targeting
a single Georgian user
, Cyxymu.

Twitter and Facebook have been
shown to be a threat to the Iranian regime recently. The key reason why
Russia would target them, is to insure that if its troops launch an all
out conquest of Georgia, it will not face locals who report on it every
step of the way. The attack may also be seen as a proof of concept,
demonstrating that Russia can take down social networking sites any time
it chooses, thus warning them against hosting "Georgian Anti-Russian

warned the US
against sending any monitoring forces to Georgia, and
dropping the pretense of "South Ossetian" independence, one of Putin's
rich buddies, Vadim Brovtsev, has become the "Prime Minister" of South

Most of the South Ossetian elite, on the other hand, has
been transplanted from Russia and is tightly under the Kremlin's
control. President Kokoity, a former Soviet wrestling champion who was
born in the territory, is the exception.

For example, the
region's newly appointed prime minister, Vadim Brovtsev, is the director
of a construction firm based in Russia's Chelyabinsk region. Brovtsev's
predecessor, Aslanbek Bulatsev, previously served as the head of
Russia's Federal Tax Service in North Ossetia.

With the anniversary of latest invasion of Georgia
here, the clock is ticking on a sequel. The fake South Ossetian
independence movement is to Putin, what the Sudeten Germans were to
Hitler. Russia's goal is to begin carving up its former Warsaw Pact
conquests one by one. Georgia first. The Ukraine second. And after that if
Obama is still out to lunch, we may well be on track for war in Europe.

On another topic, Ben Atlas' blog hosts some interesting
photos from Life magazine of Israel, particularly focusing on Jewish
refugees escaping the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem from the occupying Arab
armies. It's not an image you often see. It's not an image that the media,
which harps on the narrative of Israel driving out Arabs, wants you to

Life in Israel - Part 1

Life in Israel - Part 2

Some examples

Jewish girl, Rachel Levy, 7, fleeing from street w.
burning bldgs. as the Arabs sack Jerusalem after its surrender. May 28,
1948. John Phillips

Jewish families leaving the old city through Zion's
Gate. June 1948. John Phillips

Sephardic Rabbi discussing terms of surrender of the Jewish
quarter in Jerusalem with Arab Legion Soldiers. June 1948. John

The Jewish Quarter before the Arab

The Jewish Quarter after the Arab

Jewish people attempting to leave portion of city
surrendered to Arab forces. Jerusalem, Israel. June 1948. John

Elderly Jewish man sitting in street after surrender of
city. Jerusalem, Israel. June 1948. John Phillips

These are a
handful of the forgotten Jewish refugees of the Arab aggression which has
repeatedly touched off regional violence in the first place. These are the
refugees that the media today and the prophets of orientalism at
universities will not stop to consider.

At IsraPundit, a Wall
Street Journal op ed,
"There Is a
Military Option on Iran"

The military can play an important role in solving this
complex problem without firing a single shot. Publicly signaling serious
preparation for a military strike might obviate the need for one if
deployments force Tehran to recognize the costs of its nuclear defiance.
Mr. Obama might consider, for example, the deployment of additional
carrier battle groups and minesweepers to the waters off Iran , and the
conduct of military exercises with allies.

If such pressure fails
to impress Iranian leadership, the U.S. Navy could move to blockade
Iranian ports. A blockade—which is an act of war—would effectively cut
off Iran ’s gasoline imports, which constitute about one-third of its
consumption. Especially in the aftermath of post-election protests, the
Iranian leadership must worry about the economic dislocations and
political impact of such action.

Should these measures not compel
Tehran to reverse course on its nuclear program, and only after all
other diplomatic avenues and economic pressures have been exhausted, the
U.S. military is capable of launching a devastating attack on Iranian
nuclear and military facilities.

Many policy makers and
journalists dismiss the military option on the basis of a false sense of
futility. They assume that the U.S. military is already overstretched,
that we lack adequate intelligence about the location of covert nuclear
sites, and that known sites are too heavily fortified.

assumptions are false.

An attack on Iranian nuclear facilities
would mostly involve air assets, primarily Air Force and Navy, that are
not strained by operations in Iraq and Afghanistan . Moreover, the
presence of U.S. forces in countries that border Iran offers distinct
advantages. Special Forces and intelligence personnel already in the
region can easily move to protect key assets or perform clandestine
operations. It would be prudent to emplace additional missile-defense
capabilities in the region, upgrade both regional facilities and allied
militaries, and expand strategic partnerships with countries such as
Azerbaijan and Georgia to pressure Iran from all

Conflict may reveal previously undetected Iranian
facilities as Iranian forces move to protect them. Moreover, nuclear
sites buried underground may survive sustained bombing, but their
entrances and exits will not.

Click the link above to see the rest

Religion of Peace has the latest
the usual gruesome tally of Islam at home and abroad, and via Religion of Peace, an
article at Islam in Europe, on
the Muslim use of honor for rape

Via Steven Plaut's ZionCon, an article by Ruth King in Mideast Outpost

Groups like “J” Street were founded on anti-Israel
premises. More alarming are the formerly mainstream organizations which
have veered precipitously to the left. For example, Hadassah is the
world’s largest volunteer women’s organization with a sterling record of
hands-on support for Israel. Hadassah sent the first group of public
health nurses to Palestine in 1913. It established nurseries, schools,
health centers and major hospitals. Its members were active in the
rescue movement which saved thousands of children from the Nazis. With
Israel’s independence Hadassah played an outsize role in the ingathering
which brought the wretched survivors of Europe and the Arab states to
Israel, providing housing, medical care, counseling and language and
vocational training.

However, as younger women active in the
1970s anti-war movement took over, the focus changed to trendy domestic
issues such as abortion, gay and lesbian rights, embryonic stem cell
research, a “green” planet, and “social justice and civil rights” as
seen through the prism of the far left of the Democratic party. It is
not only that this has nothing to do with specifically Jewish concerns.
“Social justice” issues, thus defined, are the mainstay of Israel-hating
groups—to take Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International as well
known examples.

Well, fret no more - the War On Terror is over! That’s
right, no more need to fear terrorism, or Islamic terrorism, or Islamism
or even Jihadists.

How can this be, you may be

Answer: Because Obama says so.

Yep, the Chief
Dhimmi has decided that the very terms ‘Jihadists’ and ‘global war’ are
now redundant. The West is not fighting terror, you see. No, no. Rather,
America is just having a bit of a bicker with Al Queda.

Eric at Tyggrexpress has a book
out called Ideological Bigotry
. I'll let him tell you about it in his
own words

The book is entitled "Ideological Bigotry." Ideological
Bigotry is the hatred of people based on their politics. The left hates
the right because we exist and breathe air. I take a comedic approach
that skewers those that need it.

Atlas Shrugs has the story on Obama's Uncle living the high
life thanks to
Sheikh Samir Mirdad

Lemon Lime Moon looks at who is really mean spirited and dangerous

Finally Ace of Spades looks at the
double standard of how the media glowingly and lovingly reported on
anti-war protesters, compared to
how they cover protesting Town
Hall seniors today

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